




Nevergreen is a Powershell module that returns the latest version and download links for various Windows applications. <br>

It can be used as an alternative to the excellent Evergreen module, for apps that project does not support, or where it might not return the results you want. <br>

Evergreen relies on API queries to obtain its data, and HTML scraping is not welcome. This is the reason Nevergreen was born, a place to accept all the Evergreen rejects! Please note this method is inherently more prone to breaking when websites are changed, hence the name! <br> <br>

Supported apps

<br> <br>

The Apps folder in the main branch will always show the apps supported in the latest release. <br>

Also, you can check the latest commits to the Apps folder in the dev branch to see what's being worked on. <br> <br>



Because these apps rely on HTML scraping, they are prone to breakage when the websites are changed. If you encounter an issue, please file a report under the Issues tab. <br>

Fix contributions are also welcomed - fork the repository, create the fix in a new branch in your copy, then create a pull request for me to review. If you're not familiar with Git, just post the fixed code directly within the issue. <br> <br>



If you have a request to add an application to Nevergreen, please abide by the following: <br>

Supported Powershell Versions


This has been tested with Powershell 5.1 and 7.x, and the module manifests lists the minimum supported version as 5.1. It may work on 3.0, but it has never been tested. <br> <br>


Powershell Gallery


Simply install directly from the Powershell Gallery by running the following command: <br>

Install-Module -Name Nevergreen

To update:

Update-Module -Name Nevergreen

Manual Installation


Download the latest Main branch, either by downloading the zip file directly from Github, or by installing Git and typing: <br>

git clone https://github.com/DanGough/Nevergreen.git

If you downloaded and extracted a zip file, you may need to unblock the files first:

Get-ChildItem -Path <path> -Recurse | Unblock-File

Then from within the Nevergreen folder, run the following command to temporarily import the module into your session:

Import-Module .\Nevergreen\Nevergreen.psd1

You can also copy it to one of the folders listed under $env:PSModulePath to make it available in all future sessions without having to import it. <br> <br>



List all supported apps:


List all Adobe and Microsoft apps (accepts arrays and uses a RegEx match):

Find-NevergreenApp -Name Adobe,Microsoft

Get version and download links for Microsoft Power BI Desktop (all platforms):

Get-NevergreenApp -Name MicrosoftPowerBIDesktop

Get version and download links for Microsoft Power BI Desktop (64-bit only):

Get-NevergreenApp -Name MicrosoftPowerBIDesktop | Where-Object {$_.Architecture -eq 'x64'}

Combine both commands to get all results!

Find-NevergreenApp | Get-NevergreenApp