

Last tested version: v1.2.37.701.ge66eb7bc on Spicetify v2.36.11


A cross-platform Spicetify theme which removes all Spotify ads (audio, banner, popup, etc.) and declutters the stock UI.

For installation instructions, go here: Installation <br>

If you see a blank/black screen, please follow this link for a fix: https://github.com/Daksh777/SpotifyNoPremium/issues/46#issuecomment-1059945231


This is a Spicetify theme which:


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/o714XSp.png"/><img src="https://i.imgur.com/289Qq2v.png"/>
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/HVjTHTO.png"/><img src="https://i.imgur.com/Nhy3OOJ.png"/>
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/kEffDy8.png">


1. Automatic installation/updates for Windows users

Note: If you're on Windows 8.1 or lower, please install Powershell v5.1 since the automatic installation script does not support Powershell versions below v5. <br> Download here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54616 <br> More info: #30


Run the install.bat if you are installing for the the first time. <br> [CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD] <br>


You can fetch the latest version of this theme by running the update.bat script <br> [CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD]

2. Manual installation for all users

Note for users who install this manually: Make sure to use the latest Spicetify CLI and Spotify App. Run spicetify upgrade and then spicetify auto to update Spicetify to the latest version.

Linux and MacOS:

(Execute the 2nd command in a new shell if it's your first time installing spicetify)

In Bash:

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/spicetify-cli/master/install.sh | sh
cd "$(dirname "$(spicetify -c)")/Themes"
git clone https://github.com/Daksh777/SpotifyNoPremium
spicetify config current_theme SpotifyNoPremium
cp "$(dirname "$(spicetify -c)")/Themes/SpotifyNoPremium/adblock.js" "$(dirname "$(spicetify -c)")/Extensions"
spicetify config extensions adblock.js
spicetify backup apply


In Powershell:

Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/spicetify-cli/master/install.ps1" | Invoke-Expression
cd "$(spicetify -c | Split-Path)\Themes"
git clone https://github.com/Daksh777/SpotifyNoPremium
spicetify config current_theme SpotifyNoPremium
Copy-Item "$(spicetify -c | Split-Path)\Themes\SpotifyNoPremium\adblock.js" "$(spicetify -c | Split-Path)\Extensions"
spicetify config extensions adblock.js
spicetify backup apply

Updating Manually

Linux and MacOS:

In Bash:

cd "$(dirname "$(spicetify -c)")/Themes/SpotifyNoPremium"
git pull
cp "$(dirname "$(spicetify -c)")/Themes/SpotifyNoPremium/adblock.js" "$(dirname "$(spicetify -c)")/Extensions"
spicetify config extensions adblock.js
spicetify auto


In Powershell:

cd "$(spicetify -c | Split-Path)\Themes\SpotifyNoPremium"
git pull
Copy-Item "$(spicetify -c | Split-Path)\Themes\SpotifyNoPremium\adblock.js" "$(spicetify -c | Split-Path)\Extensions"
spicetify config extensions adblock.js
spicetify auto