

#About this project providers a <b>commandline tool and a growl plugin</b> to send notifications with a <b>configurable icon</b> (psd,jpg,pdf,icns) to the <b>mountain lion notification center</b> and specify an app/file path or url to open on click! Apart from this tool, this repository holds a plugin for the growl app that forwards ANY growl notification to the ML notification center (the click handling will not be perfect here because I dont need it but it could easily be added)

##example usage the CLI tool included can be called from terminal, from a shellscript or applescript or cocoa. For use in scripts it should be installed by copying the file to /usr/bin

e.g. from terminal, to have a notification seem to come from apple mail:

hostname:~ user$  MountainNotifier com.apple.mail 'New Mail' 'One new Mail by Dominik' 'The mail's body starts with: Hi, growl is cool!'

You pass the tool 4 Parameters:

from an applescript you call it via 'do shellscript', in a shellscript the syntax is the same as in terminal and in cocoa you use the NSTask API to run it.

##additional growl 1.3 plugin I included a plugin for growl 1.3 (current appstore version) which sends ANY growl notification to the ML notification center.

With Growl running double click the MountianGrowlPlugin.growlView file to install it and enable it in growl's preferences so all notifications go the notification area (later on ;))

##how it works (ruffly) Same as other comparable projects, MountainNotifier has to deal with the ML notification API from Apple and suffers from its restrictions.

MountainNotifier works around both issues with an 'evil' but harmless hack :D (No system files are modified or so)<br/> <b>For every caller it shall post a notification for it writes a proxy app</b> with the correct identifier and the specified icon. That proxy is then called to post the final notification to ML.<br/> <br/> The proxy app's are in ~/Library/Application Support/MountainNotifier. (1 per caller)

###Wrong Icon? The ML notification center caches the icon foreach caller. that means that while MountainNotifier can change the icon for one caller multiple times, ML will NOT reflect that right away.<br/> ML Notification center can have N callers but every caller has 1 icon.<br/> <br/> <b>A change of the caller's icon will only show up when the category is removed from the center and the system is rebooted (or maybe when the proxy app is deleted)</b>

##everything prebuilt as well In the Downloads area there is all content built for 10.8. Nothing is code-signed though yet :)
