

EvTexture (ICML 2024)


Official Pytorch implementation for the "EvTexture: Event-driven Texture Enhancement for Video Super-Resolution" paper (ICML 2024).

<p align="center"> šŸŒ <a href="https://dachunkai.github.io/evtexture.github.io/" target="_blank">Project</a> | šŸ“ƒ <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.13457" target="_blank">Paper</a> | šŸ–¼ļø <a href="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nbDb39TFb374DzBwdz5v20kIREUA0nBH/edit?usp=sharing" target="_blank">Poster</a> <br> </p>

Authors: Dachun Kai<sup>:email:ļø</sup>, Jiayao Lu, Yueyi Zhang<sup>:email:ļø</sup>, Xiaoyan Sun, University of Science and Technology of China

Feel free to ask questions. If our work helps, please don't hesitate to give us a :star:!

:rocket: News

:bookmark: Table of Content

  1. Video Demos
  2. Code
  3. Citation
  4. Contact
  5. License and Acknowledgement

:fire: Video Demos

A $4\times$ upsampling results on the Vid4 and REDS4 test sets.








  1. Download the pretrained models from (Releases / Onedrive / Google Drive / Baidu Cloud(n8hg)) and place them to experiments/pretrained_models/EvTexture/. The network architecture code is in evtexture_arch.py.

    • EvTexture_REDS_BIx4.pth: trained on REDS dataset with BI degradation for $4\times$ SR scale.
    • EvTexture_Vimeo90K_BIx4.pth: trained on Vimeo-90K dataset with BI degradation for $4\times$ SR scale.
  2. Download the preprocessed test sets (including events) for REDS4 and Vid4 from (Releases / Onedrive / Google Drive / Baidu Cloud(n8hg)), and place them to datasets/.

    • Vid4_h5: HDF5 files containing preprocessed test datasets for Vid4.

    • REDS4_h5: HDF5 files containing preprocessed test datasets for REDS4.

  3. Run the following command:

    • Test on Vid4 for 4x VSR:
      ./scripts/dist_test.sh [num_gpus] options/test/EvTexture/test_EvTexture_Vid4_BIx4.yml
    • Test on REDS4 for 4x VSR:
      ./scripts/dist_test.sh [num_gpus] options/test/EvTexture/test_EvTexture_REDS4_BIx4.yml
      This will generate the inference results in results/. The output results on REDS4 and Vid4 can be downloaded from (Releases / Onedrive / Google Drive / Baidu Cloud(n8hg)).

Data Preparation

Inference on your own video

:hammer_and_wrench: We are developing a convenient script to allow users to quickly use our EvTexture model to upscale their own videos. However, our spare time is limited, so please stay tuned!

:blush: Citation

If you find the code and pre-trained models useful for your research, please consider citing our paper. :smiley:

  title={{E}v{T}exture: {E}vent-driven {T}exture {E}nhancement for {V}ideo {S}uper-{R}esolution},
  author={Kai, Dachun and Lu, Jiayao and Zhang, Yueyi and Sun, Xiaoyan},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning},


If you meet any problems, please describe them in issues or contact:

License and Acknowledgement

This project is released under the Apache-2.0 license. Our work is built upon BasicSR, which is an open source toolbox for image/video restoration tasks. Thanks to the inspirations and codes from RAFT, event_utils and EvTexture-jupyter.