Webdev Brain
As webdeveloper I see daily tons of good resources and want to share them with the community.
I tried them to categorize and give them a structure.
Type of Content
Concept - General view on how to design and create things
Standard - A defined standard for a technologie
Knowhow - Specific Knowhow about a specific topic
Learning - Here you can learn something about general concepts or technologies
API - API Description of a technology / standard or whatever
- Must See
- Software Design
- Clean Code
- Standards / Specification
- Services
- Great Resources
- eBooks
- Tools
- Learn with Games and Challenges
- Learning
- Frameworks
- Boilerplate
- Articles
<a name="mustsee">Must See</a>
- Bret Victor - Inventing on Principle
- Bret Victor - The Future of Programming by
- Bret Victor - Stop Drawing Dead Fish
- Rich Hickey - Simple Made Easy
- Rich Hickey - Simplicity Matters
- Robert C. Martin - Clean Architecture
- Venkat Subramaniam - The Art of Simplicity
CQRS / Event Sourcing / DDD
- Greg Young - CQRS and Event Sourcing
- Greg Young -CQRS
- Udi Dahan - CQRS Introduction
- Udi Dahan - Make Roles Explicit
- Michael Ploed - Building Microservices with Event Sourcing and CQRS - This talk tries also to answer typical problems you have with Event Sourcing and CQRS
- Fred George - Micro-Service Architecture
- Sam Newman - Principles Of Microservices
- Sam Newman - Practical Considerations for Microservice Architectures
- Greg Young - The art of destroying software
- Ian Cooper - TDD, Where Did It All Go Wrong
Not Categorized
- Joe Armstrong - Systems that Run Forever Self-heal and Scale
- Fred George - Implementing Programmer Anarchy
- Robert C. Martin - The Future of Programming
- Rewrites überleben
- Your Code Sucks - Letz fix it
- Functional Programming - gr8 code transformation example from oo style (imperative) to functional style (declarative)
<a name="softwaredesign">Software Design</a>
- Practical PHP Testing Patterns - Concept - by Giorgio Sironi
- Practical PHP Patterns - Concept - by Giorgio Sironi
- Practical PHP Refactoring - Concept - by Giorgio Sironi
- Create your own Framework on top of the Symfony2 Components - Learning - by Fabien Potencier
- Chaplin - Concept - A Sample Application Architecture Using Backbone.js
- Design Patterns in Javascript - Concept - based on head first design patterns book
- Backbone.js Fundamentals - complete run down of backbone.js applications including modular design, AMD, how to solve routing problems
- Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners - free eBook by Addy Osmani
- Large Scale Javascript Application Architecture - Concept - design & javascript patterns, jQuery, MVC, build large and scalable apps - Slides by Addy Osmani
- Javascript Design Patterns - by joe zimjs
- Javascript Pattern Collection - by shichuan
- SOLID Javascript - by Derek Greer
- Designing Better Javascript API's - Concept - by Rodney Rehm
- Pull Stream Examples
Software Patterns General
- Sourcemaking - Concept - Design Patterns and Refactoring - Collection and explanations of patterns, anti patterns, refactoring, uml
- Scalable and modular architecture for css - Concept - Best practices on how to design proper css
- 12 factor app - Concept - A methodology for building software-as-a-service apps
- Event Sourcing - Concept - Gathered sources for event sourcing
- Learn how to Large Scale Systems - Learning
- Data Structures - Learning
- Uplabs - Learning - Tons of graphical designs to learn and get inspired from
- Dribbble - Learning - Tons of graphical designs to learn and get inspired from
<a name="cleancode">Clean Code</a>
- Front End Development Guidelines
- Idiomatic.js - Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript
- Javascript Garden - Best Practises for Javascript Programming
- HTML5 Semantics and Good Coding Practices
- Code Style Guide - ThinkUp's Code Style Guides for HTML / CSS / Javascript / PHP / Smarty
- Code Style Guide by Google - Google's HTML/CSS STyle Guide
- HTML/CSS Code Style Guide by @mdo
<a name="standard" >Standards / Specifications</a>
- PHP Standards - Description of PHP Standards, well known as PSR-0, PSR-1, ...
- Semantic Versioning
- Keep a Changelog - not a real standard, but helpful to write changelogs
- JSON Schema - json schema standard explained
- JSON API - a specification for building APIs in JSON
<a name="service">Services</a>
- Free for Dev - Awesome Repo with list of free SaaS, PaaS and IaaS services
- Swagger - Framework for API Specification (specify your API with yml)
- Apiary - Framework for API Specification (specify your API with yml)
- Mashape - API Services
- Kong - Secure and Manage your Microservices + APIs behind Kong as infrastructure layer
- Zapier - Service to connect different apps together
- - A realtime node.js deployment Service
- Deploy Bot - A service to deploy code anywhere
- Rancher - A plattform for running containers
- Concourse CI - Continuous Integration Platform with a streamed build pipeline
<a name="greatresources" >Great Resources</a>
- move the web forward - resources, tips for web development - initiative by paul irish, addy osmani and a lot of other respected people in the web developer scene
- Awesome PHP Libraries
- Superhero.js - Collection of the best ressources for Javascript
- JavascriptOO - Collection of the best ressources for Javascript
- Nodecloud - Collection of the best node.js ressources
- nerdi - Collection of useful webdesign and development utilites
- Frontend Dev Bookmarks - Huge list of awesome bookmarks for frontend development
- DevDocs - Searchable Documentation for HTML5/CSS/JS/HTTP/...
- Feed the Bot - Great articles about Webpage optimisation like Speed/Mobile/SEO
- Nodecasts - Free weekly episodes around the node topic
<a name="ebook" >eBooks</a>
- JsBooks - free eBooks for javascript
- Node.js for Beginner - node.js for beginner
- proGit
- The Little Book on Coffescript
- Regex eBook German
- Eloquentjavascript - free eBook by Marijn Haverbeke
- DIVE INTO HTML5 - free eBook by Mark Pilgrim
- Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - free eBook by Jonathan Stark
- Javascript Bibliography - free eBook by editors of Safary books online
- OOP mit Javascript - free eBook by Peter Kropff- german
- HTML5 Handbuch - free eBook by Stefan Münz - german
- leanpub - create you own eBook
- Learn Regex The Hard Way - 54 Lessons with exercises about Regex
- Security Engineering
- Exploring ES6 by Axel Rauschmayer
<a name="tool" >Tools</a>
Software Analysis / Design
- - Quick and easy way to draw diagrams
- Realtimeboard - Quick and easy way to draw diagrams
- Gliffy - UML diagrams
- Websequence Diagrams - Sequence diagrams
- Creately - Sequence + Class diagrams
- jsbin - Javscript Editor in Browser
- jsfiddle - Javascript Editor in Browser
- cloud9ide - Collaborative Browser IDE for Development
- CSS3 Maker - CSS Maker is a free tool to experiment with CSS properties and values and generate a simple stylesheet for your site.
- CSS3 Generator
- CSS3 Clickchart
Graphics / Design
- Typecast - to create visual and semantic designs live and share the results
- Responsify - Create online a responsive grid and download the template
- Fontsquirrel - Handpicket free fonts, also with a @font-face generator
- Pixlr - Pixlr is a free online photo editor. Edit, adjust and filter your images.
- Pencil - Opensource Online GUI Prototyping Tool
- SpriteCow - helps you get the background-position, width and height of sprites within a spritesheet as a nice bit of copyable css
- ResponsivePx - Online tool which helps to find exact pixel sizes for responsive webdesign
- Webpagetest - Checks a website and analyzes performance issues
- GTMetrix - Checks different pages based on yslow and other tools and creates a report with suggestions
- Pingdom - Checks a website and analyzes performance issues
- Google Page Insights - Analyze the page and get tips how to improve the performance
- Loads In - Online Test of Webpage Load time
- Webwait - Very small tool to test website responses and compare with different websites
- Yahoo Guideline - Knowhow
- DOM Monster - bookmarklet, which analyzes the DOM and give you tips how to improve
- Slides - Presentation tool
- DevNullSmtp - Devnull SMTP server - a dummy email server for testing purposes
- regex101 - Regex Service
- NGrok - share your localhost with the internet
- .htaccess tester
- Sound and Movie Loops
- TuttiJs - Test Javascript on different browsers simultaneously
<a name="learnbygaming">Learn with Games and Challenges</a>
- Hackerrank - A lot of programming challenges, where you can compete against others
- Codewars - A lot of Katas/Dojos/Challenges with Badges
- Coderbyte - Learning - Put your programming skills to the test
- Regex Golf - Write Regex and get as much as possible points
- Regex Crossword - Solve Crosswords with writing regex
- MySQL Game - Fight against others in a real mysql db with db queries
- Dungeons and Developers - An RPG-style talent tree for web developers
- Code Combat - Learn javascript programming with a real game, where you have to code the moves to win the battle
<a name="learning">Learning</a>
- Codecademy - Learn step by step different languages online
- Playterm - Educational Linux Shell Replays
- AppendTo - free javascript/jquery video lessons
- - Interactive Node Workshops
- Stackoverflow recommended list of dev books
- Perfschool - Interactive Performance Workshop
<a name="boilerplate">Boilerplate</a>
- HTML5 Boilerplate
- HTML5 Mobile Boilerplate
- HTML5 Reset
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Twitter Bootstrap Themes
- MEAN Boilerplate - MEAN is a boilerplate that provides a nice starting point for MongoDB, Node.js, Express, and AngularJS based applications.
<a name="article">Articles / Slides / Video</a>
- HTTP Headers for Dummies - Knowhow
- Why Every Webdeveloper Should Read the HTTP Specification - Knowhow
- CSS Position Einmaleins - german
- The 30 CSS Selectors You Must Memorize - Knowhow