

Agile Metrics

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Agile Metrics is a collector for software development process KPI data. It collects measurements from Producers, creates metrics and sends them to Consumers.

Agile Metrics Overview

<a href="producer"></a>Producer

A producer is a data source that offers measurement data.

Supported producers:

<a href="bitbucket"></a>BitBucket Server

Authentication Properties


<a href="jira"></a>JIRA Software Server

Authentication Properties


<a href="sonarqube"></a>SonarQube

Authentication Properties


All SonarQube metrics defined as comma separated list of keys in producer.sonarqube.metrics. A list of all Metrics can be found at: SonarQube Documentation.

<a href="consumer"></a>Consumer

A consumer is a data sink that takes the metrics data to provide further processing, for example visualization.

Supported consumers:

<a href="elasticsearch"></a>ElasticSearch

Authentication Properties

Getting Started

To get started set all the authentication properties of the systems you would like to use in the application.properties file. The server is started with the command java -jar agile-metrics-VERSION.jar. Authentication properties are checked at startup, so you will see any errors in the logfile logs/rollingfile.log. Metrics collecting runs every day at 00:15, you can change it with the property cron.expression.daily (crontab pattern).