

ReSTIR Path Tracing (ReSTIR PT)


Generalized Resampled Importance Sampling: Foundations of ReSTIR<br> Daqi Lin* (University of Utah), Markus Kettunen* (NVIDIA), Benedikt Bitterli (NVIDIA), Jacopo Pantaleoni (NVIDIA), Cem Yuksel (University of Utah), Chris Wyman (NVIDIA)<br> (*Joint first authors) <br> https://graphics.cs.utah.edu/research/projects/gris/ (with embedded interactive viewer and video) https://research.nvidia.com/publication/2022-07_generalized-resampled-importance-sampling-foundations-restir

ReSTIR Path Tracing (ReSTIR PT) is a resampling-based path tracing algorithm as the result of applying the GRIS theory to ReSTIR. Compared to ReSTIR GI [Ouyang et al. 2021], ReSTIR PT handles general types of light transport. The path reuse quality is significantly improved by a context-aware shift mapping, allowing interactive rendering of many-bounce diffuse and specular lighting with high quality.


How to compile

Run the demo

Test with more scenes

Offline rendering

An example screenshot (running on an RTX 3090)