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Overview of this repo

A semester-long 'do-it-yourself' (DIY) transcriptomics course that teaches basic principles of bioinformatics using the R programming language and RNA-seq datasets from infectious disease studies.

How to contribute to this course

We're always interested in interesting infectious disease datasets to use as the basis for new lab exercises. If you think you have a great idea for a new lab we should offer, just draft as a markdown document (you can download any one of our lab markdown documents from the /Projects folder in this repo) and submit as a pull request so that we can review.

We also recognize that bioinformatics is a constant learning experience, even for instructors. So, if you spot something in our lecture content that you think should be changed, please reach out directly to the course director, Dr. Dan Beiting (beiting@upenn.edu).

How to modify and deploy this course at your own institution

Because the entire course, even down to the website, is contained within this github repo, you can simply clone the repo and modify the contents to tailor it for your own purposes. Of course, if you do this, we would appreciate proper attribution to DIYtranscriptomics.org and Dr. Dan Beiting (University of Pennsylvania). The key folders and files that you'll want to pay attention to and potentially change are: