

EDS dataset and the code implementation of PSN

CVPR 2022 paper 《Exploring Endogenous Shift for Cross-domain Detection: A Large-scale Benchmark and Perturbation Suppression Network

Download Link of EDS Dataset:

Please go to the webpage and download according to the prompts.

(China mainland, BaiduNetdisk):https://pan.baidu.com/s/1IzjPsoCowr2MYKbuOXuqUg (password:buaa)
(Other area, Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ids6mpIKpc_g67_CKC8aUnRDMeo6wxa/view?usp=sharing



pip install -r requirements.txt
cd lib
sh make.sh


The scripts folder has all the training scripts. For example, if you want to train an experiment from domain1 to domain2, just run:

sh scripts/train-1-2-fc.sh


The scripts folder has all the testing scripts. For example, if you want to test a model trained from domain1 to domain2, just run:

sh scripts/test-all-1-2.sh


If this work helps your research, please cite the following paper.

  author    = {Renshuai Tao and Hainan Li and Tianbo Wang and Yanlu Wei and Yifu Ding and Bowei Jin and, Hongping Zhi and Xianglong Liu and Aishan Liu},
  title     = {Exploring Endogenous Shift for Cross-domain Detection: A Large-scale Benchmark and Perturbation Suppression Network},
  booktitle = {IEEE CVPR},
  year      = {2022},