

Integrated Testing Helper

Author: David Hoyle (davidghoyle@gmail.com / https://github.com/DGH2112)

Version: 2.1a

Date: 04 Dec 2021

Web Page: http://www.davidghoyle.co.uk/WordPress/?page_id=874


The purpose of the RAD Studio IDE plug-in is to allow you to configure command line tools t0 be run before or after the compilation of each project in your project group. It can also manage version control and zip your project upon completion of a successful compilation.


For a full list of instructions on how to use this tool please refer to the web page above.

Current Limitations

Not all the forms are themed as I have issues with implementing the theming that crashes the IDE which unfortunately Embarcadero are unable to reproduce whcih implies there could be an issue with my machine configuration (whcih probably wont get replaced until next year).

Source Code and Binaries

Note: This project is labelled BETA as it is in the process of being updated to fully support all the modern RAD Studio IDEs.

You can download a binary of this project if you don't want to compile it yourself from the web page above.