Improving Relation Extraction by Pre-trained Language Representations
This repository contains the code of our paper:
Improving Relation Extraction by Pre-trained Language Representations.
Christoph Alt*, Marc Hübner*, Leonhard Hennig
We fine-tune the pre-trained OpenAI GPT [1] to the task of relation extraction and show that it achieves state-of-the-art results on SemEval 2010 Task 8 and TACRED relation extraction datasets.
Our code depends on huggingface's PyTorch reimplementation of the OpenAI GPT [2] - so thanks to them.
First, clone the repository to your machine and install the requirements with the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
We also need the weights of the pre-trained Transformer, which can be downloaded with the following command:
The english spacy model is required for sentence segmentation:
python -m spacy download en
Prepare the data
We evaluate our model on SemEval 2010 Task 8 and TACRED, which is available through LDC.
Our model expects the input dataset to be in JSONL format. To convert a dataset run the following command:
E.g. for training on the TACRED dataset, run the following command:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train \
--write-model True \
--masking-mode grammar_and_ner \
--batch-size 8 \
--max-epochs 3 \
--lm-coef 0.5 \
--learning-rate 5.25e-5 \
--learning-rate-warmup 0.002 \
--clf-pdrop 0.1 \
--attn-pdrop 0.1 \
--word-pdrop 0.0 \
--dataset tacred \
--seed=0 \
--log-dir ./logs/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python evaluate \
--dataset tacred \
--masking_mode grammar_and_ner \
--test_file ./data/tacred/test.jsonl \
--save_dir ./logs/ \
--model_file <MODEL FILE (e.g. model_epoch...)> \
--batch_size 8 \
--log_dir ./logs/
Trained Models
The models we trained on SemEval and TACRED to produce our paper results can be found here:
Dataset | Masking Mode | P | R | F1 | Download |
TACRED | grammar_and_ner | 70.0 | 65.0 | 67.4 | Link |
SemEval | None | 87.6 | 86.8 | 87.1 | Link |
Download and extract model files
First, download the archive corresponding to the model you want to evaluate (links in the table above).
wget --content-disposition <DOWNLOAD URL>
Extract the model archive containing, text_encoder.pkl, and label_encoder.pkl.
tar -xvzf <MODEL ARCHIVE>
Run evaluation
: dataset to evaluate, can be one of "semeval" or "tacred".test-file
: path to the JSONL test file used during evaluationlog-dir
: directory to store the evaluation results and predictionssave-dir
: directory containing the downloaded model files (, text_encoder.pkl, and label_encoder.pkl)masking-mode
: masking mode to use during evaluation, can be one of "None", "grammar_and_ner", "grammar", "ner" or "unk" (caution: must match the mode for training)
For example, to evaluate the TACRED model with "grammar_and_ner" masking, run the following command:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python evaluate \
--dataset tacred \
--test-file ./<CONVERTED DATASET DIR>/test.jsonl \
--log-dir <RESULTS DIR> \
--save-dir <MODEL DIR> \
--masking_mode grammar_and_ner
If you use our code in your research or find our repository useful, please consider citing our work.
author = {Alt, Christoph and H\"{u}bner, Marc and Hennig, Leonhard},
title = {Improving Relation Extraction by Pre-trained Language Representations},
booktitle = {Proceedings of AKBC 2019},
year = {2019},
url = {},
lm-transformer-re is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for additional details.
- Improving language understanding by generative pre-training. Alec Radford, Karthik Narasimhan, Tim Salimans, and Ilya Sutskever.
- PyTorch implementation of OpenAI's Finetuned Transformer Language Model