

Building DCore

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Installing prerequisites in Linux

For Debian 10/Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or later, execute in console:

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https curl gnupg lsb-release software-properties-common
curl https://bintray.com/user/downloadSubjectPublicKey?username=decentfoundation | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://dl.bintray.com/decentfoundation/$(lsb_release -is | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]") $(lsb_release -cs) libpbc"
sudo apt-get install build-essential make cmake g++ doxygen git libreadline-dev libcrypto++-dev libgmp-dev libpbc-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libboost-all-dev zlib1g-dev
mkdir ~/dev

# Download and build JSON 3.7.3
curl -LO https://github.com/nlohmann/json/archive/v3.7.3.tar.gz
tar xf v3.7.3.tar.gz
cd json-3.7.3
cmake .
sudo make -j$(nproc) install
cd ..
rm -rf json-3.7.3 v3.7.3.tar.gz

Note for Debian 9/Ubuntu 16.04 LTS legacy systems, the default versions of Boost and CMake installed are too old and not supported. In order to install a supported ones, in addition to the common commands above, execute the following in console (in the same shell session, where you are going to build DCore itself):

# Download and build Boost 1.65.1
 curl -LO https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.65.1/boost_1_65_1.tar.gz
 tar xf boost_1_65_1.tar.gz
 mkdir boost
 cd boost_1_65_1
 export BOOST_ROOT=$(realpath ../boost)
 ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=$BOOST_ROOT
 ./b2 -j$(nproc) install
 cd ..
 rm -rf boost_1_65_1 boost_1_65_1.tar.gz

# Download and build CMake 3.13.4
 curl -LO https://cmake.org/files/v3.13/cmake-3.13.4.tar.gz
 tar xf cmake-3.13.4.tar.gz
 mkdir cmake
 cd cmake-3.13.4
 export CMAKE_ROOT=$(realpath ../cmake)
 ./configure --prefix=$CMAKE_ROOT
 make -j$(nproc) install
 export PATH=$CMAKE_ROOT/bin:$PATH
 cd ..
 rm -rf cmake-3.13.4 cmake-3.13.4.tar.gz

For Fedora 30 or later, execute in console:

sudo dnf install curl
sudo curl https://bintray.com/user/downloadSubjectPublicKey?username=decentfoundation -o /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-decentfoundation
sudo curl https://docs.decent.ch/assets/bintray-decentfoundation-fedora.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-decentfoundation.repo
sudo dnf install make cmake gcc-c++ doxygen git readline-devel cryptopp-devel openssl-devel gmp-devel libpbc-devel libcurl-devel json-devel zlib-devel boost-devel boost-static
mkdir ~/dev

For CentOS 8, execute in console:

sudo dnf install curl
sudo curl https://bintray.com/user/downloadSubjectPublicKey?username=decentfoundation -o /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-decentfoundation
sudo curl https://docs.decent.ch/assets/bintray-decentfoundation-centos.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-decentfoundation.repo
sudo dnf install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install --enablerepo PowerTools make cmake gcc-c++ doxygen git readline-devel cryptopp-devel openssl-devel gmp-devel libpbc-devel libcurl-devel json-devel zlib-devel boost-devel boost-static
mkdir ~/dev

Installing prerequisites in MacOS

Then, execute in console:

$ brew install cmake boost cryptopp openssl@1.1 pbc nlohmann-json readline doxygen git ipfs
$ brew link --force readline
$ mkdir ~/dev

Installing prerequisites in Windows

Then, start Visual Studio 2017 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt and execute:

mkdir \Projects
cd \Projects
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg
vcpkg --triplet x64-windows-static install cryptopp curl openssl pbc nlohmann-json

Obtaining the sources

After all the prerequisites are installed, execute in console (change current path to ~/dev in Linux/MacOS or to \Projects in Windows):

git clone https://github.com/DECENTfoundation/DECENT-Network.git
cd DECENT-Network
git submodule update --init --recursive

Building and installing DCore in Linux or MacOS

In order to build and install DCore, execute in console:

mkdir -p ~/dev/DECENT-Network-build
cd ~/dev/DECENT-Network-build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ~/dev/DECENT-Network
cmake --build . --target all -- -j -l 3.0
cmake --build . --target install

Note that, in case of "Unix Makefiles" CMake generator, the last two commands are equivalent to:

$ make -j -l 3.0 install

DCore artifacts are installed at /usr/local directory by default. You can specify any other custom install prefix for cmake during the initial configuration, for example, by adding -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/dev/DECENT-Network-prefix to the command line.

You can use any path instead of ~/dev in the steps above.

You can use Xcode, or any other CMake generator, and then, if it is an IDE generator, instead of building and installing via cmake in terminal, open the generated project/solution file in the corresponding IDE and perform ALL_BUILD and INSTALL (or install) actions from there.

Building and installing DCore in Windows

In order to build and install DCore follow the steps:

You can use CMake generator to create a Visual Studio 2017 project files and perform Build > Build solution action from there, just start the Visual Studio 2017 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt and execute:

cd \Projects\DECENT-Network
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\Projects\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows-static -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\Doxygen;C:\Strawberry\perl -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" .

You can specify any other custom install prefix for cmake during the initial configuration, for example, by adding -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\Projects\DECENT-Network-prefix to the command line.

You can use any path instead of C:\Projects in the steps above.

Building DCore in Docker

You can also build Docker image which will run as DCore network node. Image will be based on either Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora or CentOS Linux, for the details go to Docker repository.

Starting DCore

In the commands below, change /usr/local to ~/dev/DECENT-Network-prefix or to any other install location, that you specified during initial configuration.

On first run decentd will create .decent in the home directory, if doesn't exist already.

$ /usr/local/bin/decentd

Optionally, now press Ctrl-C to stop decentd. You can edit configuration in ~/.decent/data/decentd/config.ini.

Then, run the DCore daemon again:

$ /usr/local/bin/decentd

This will launch the DCore daemon node with the default genesis.

Then, in a separate console, start the command-line wallet by executing:

$ cd ~/dev/DECENT-Network-working-dir
$ /usr/local/bin/cli_wallet

To set your initial password to mypassword, execute:

>>> set_password mypassword
>>> unlock mypassword

To import your account keys, execute:

>>> import_key [name] [private_wif_key]

DCore daemon

The role of the DCore daemon is to broadcast transactions, download blocks, and optionally sign them.

$ /usr/local/bin/decentd --rpc-endpoint --enable-stale-production -w 1.4.0

Testing DCore

Seeder plugin is responsible for automatically announce seeder's capablity, downloading content, seeding it and distributing keys. In order to enable it follow these steps:

  1. Generarate El-Gamal keys using cli_wallet command (first one is private, second one is public)

  2. Add parameters to the DCore daemon

     --seeder [account-id] --seeder-private-key [private_wif_key] --content-private-key [el_gamal_private_key] --packages-path [path] --seeding-price [price] --free-space [free-space]

    where [account-id] is one of your accounts, [private_wif_key] corresponding active key, [el_gamal_private_key] is the generated El-Gamal key, [path] is a filesystem location with at least [space] Megabytes available, and [price] is publishing price per MB per day, in satoshis.

Using the API

We provide several different API's. Each API has its own ID. When running decentd, initially two API's are available: API 0 provides read-only access to the database, while API 1 is used to login and gain access to additional, restricted API's.

Here is an example using wscat package from npm for websockets:

$ npm install -g wscat
$ wscat -c ws://
> {"id":1, "method":"call", "params":[0,"get_accounts",[["1.2.0"]]]}
< {"id":1,"result":[{"id":"1.2.0","annotations":[],"membership_expiration_date":"1969-12-31T23:59:59","registrar":"1.2.0","referrer":"1.2.0","lifetime_referrer":"1.2.0","network_fee_percentage":2000,"lifetime_referrer_fee_percentage":8000,"referrer_rewards_percentage":0,"name":"committee-account","owner":{"weight_threshold":1,"account_auths":[],"key_auths":[],"address_auths":[]},"active":{"weight_threshold":6,"account_auths":[["1.2.5",1],["1.2.6",1],["1.2.7",1],["1.2.8",1],["1.2.9",1],["1.2.10",1],["1.2.11",1],["1.2.12",1],["1.2.13",1],["1.2.14",1]],"key_auths":[],"address_auths":[]},"options":{"memo_key":"GPH1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm","voting_account":"1.2.0","num_miner":0,"num_committee":0,"votes":[],"extensions":[]},"statistics":"2.7.0","whitelisting_accounts":[],"blacklisting_accounts":[]}]}

We can do the same thing using an HTTP client such as curl for API's which do not require login or other session state:

$ curl --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [0, "get_accounts", [["1.2.0"]]], "id": 1}'

API 0 is accessible using regular JSON-RPC:

$ curl --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "get_accounts", "params": [["1.2.0"]], "id": 1}'

Accessing restricted API's

You can restrict API's to particular users by specifying an api-access file in config.ini. Here is an example apiaccess file which allows user decent with password pwd to access four different API's, while allowing any other user to access the three public API's necessary to use the wallet:

   "permission_map" :
            "password_hash_b64" : "W/wGhp3F9QOPwyCCpAPSQTrRnoQJi7IrI98ttwCJwCE=",
            "password_salt_b64" : "8Bd7FkJHI/8=",
            "allowed_apis" : ["database_api", "network_broadcast_api", "history_api", "network_node_api"]
            "password_hash_b64" : "*",
            "password_salt_b64" : "*",
            "allowed_apis" : ["database_api", "network_broadcast_api", "history_api"]

Passwords are stored in base64 as salted sha256 hashes. A simple Python script, saltpass.py is avaliable to obtain hash and salt values from a password. A single asterisk "*" may be specified as username or password hash to accept any value.

With the above configuration, here is an example of how to call add_node from the network_node API:

{"id":1, "method":"call", "params":[1,"login",["bytemaster", "supersecret"]]}
{"id":2, "method":"call", "params":[1,"network_node",[]]}
{"id":3, "method":"call", "params":[2,"add_node",[""]]}

Note, the call to network_node is necessary to obtain the correct API identifier for the network API. It is not guaranteed that the network API identifier will always be 2.
