


This page is a companion to the <a href="http://ismir2018.ircam.fr/doc/pdfs/283_Paper.pdf">paper</a> presented at the <a href="https://www.ismir.net">International Society for Music Information Retrieval</a> <a href="https://ismir2018.ircam.fr">2018 conference</a> in Paris France.

The kernData folder contains raw humdrum-format (**kern) files of the 571 chorales used in the project: 371 by J.S. Bach and 200 by Michael Prætorius. The 371 Bach chorales originated from <a href="http://kern.ccarh.orh">Kern Scores</a>, but some corrections have been made (annotated in reference records, i.e., 184, 194, 246, 329) and one chorale (the five-part chorale, 150) was has been added to the set. The 200 Prætorius chorales were newly created for this project, and are not available anywhere else.

FlexibleChoraleHarmonicAnalysis Rpackage

The R package FlexibleChoraleHarmonicAnalysis contains the permutational analysis data for the 571 chorales, as well as several functions for filtering analyses. To install it, simply download the tar.gz file, open R, change the working directory to the directory where you downloaded the tar ball (setwd('FILE_PATH')), and run the command install.packages("FlexibleChoraleHarmonicAnalysis_0.8.0_R_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz" , repos = NULL). You may need to install the following dependencies first, if you don't have them already: The package requires R > 3.2 as well as the <a href="https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/index.html">data.table</a>, <a href="https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/stringr">stringr</a>, and <a href="https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rlang/index.html">rlang</a> packages. You can install them with install.packages("data.table"), install.packages("stringr"), and install.packages("rlang"), respectively. The package can then be loaded using the command library(FlexibleChoraleHarmonicAnalsis).


Once you have installed and loaded the library, the usage can be found in the documentation as pdf right here in the file FlexibleChoraleHarmonicAnalysis_0.8.0.pdf. Alternatively, you can call ?FlexibleChoraleHarmonicAnalysis to get started reading the documentation for the package, from within R.


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