

[ACL 2024] BitDistiller: Unleashing the Potential of Sub-4-Bit LLMs via Self-Distillation [paper]

Implementing efficient sub-4-bit weight quantization (3 / 2 bits) in LLMs through advanced QAT-based Self-Distillation techniques.


Comparing general language tasks with other methods


<!-- ![overview](./imgs/result2.png)-->

Comparing reasoning benchmarks with other methods


Example on 2-bit inference of a Domain-specific LLM (MetaMath)




  1. Setup
  2. Running
  3. Evaluation
  4. Inferencce

1. Setup

2. Running

Our results is running by following 3 steps:

2.1. Asymmetric Quantization

This step can match or surpass the low-bit PTQ quantization results of GPTQ and AWQ.

2.2. Generating Teacher Data

2.3. KD-base QAT

Example Srcipts

<details> <summary>LLaMA-2</summary>
  1. Get the Clipping result

    cd BitDistiller/quantization
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python autoclip.py --model_path <model_path> --calib_dataset pile --quant_type int --w_bit 2 --q_group_size 128 --run_clip --dump_clip ./clip_cache/hf-llama2-7b/int2-g128.pt
  2. Get the Teacher Generation Data (Using vllm would be much faster)

    # vllm
    python generate_vllm.py --base_model <model_path> --dataset_name wikitext --out_path ./datasets/hf-llama-2-7b/ --max_sample 3000
    python generate_vllm.py --base_model <model_path> --dataset_name alpaca --out_path ./datasets/hf-llama-2-7b/ --max_sample 5000
    # change to path in .py
    python mix_data.py
    # torchrun
    cd BitDistiller/data/generation
    bash generate.sh <model_path> wikitext ../datasets/hf-llama-2-7b/ 16 3000
    bash generate.sh <model_path> alpaca ../datasets/hf-llama-2-7b/ 16 5000
    # change to path in .py
    python mix_data.py
  3. Run KD-base QAT

    # Specify the pre-trained model path
    # Specify the num_gpus and batch_size according to your GPU devices
    # Specify the clipping cache path to the --clip
    cd train
    bash train.sh ../data/datasets/hf-llama-2-7b/mix_wiki_alpaca_8000.json ./ckpts/hf-llama-2-7b/int2-g128/ ./logs/hf-llama-2-7b/int2-g128/ 4
</details> <details> <summary>WizardCoder</summary>
  1. Get the Clipping result

    cd BitDistiller/quantization
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python autoclip.py --model_path <model_path> --calib_dataset code --quant_type int --w_bit 2 --q_group_size 128 --run_clip --dump_clip ./clip_cache/WizardCoder-7B/int2-g128.pt
  2. Get the Teacher Generation Data

    # vllm
    python generate_vllm.py --base_model <model_path> --dataset_name code --out_path ./datasets/WizardCoder-7b/ --max_sample 3000
    cd BitDistiller/data/generation
    bash generate.sh /root/WizardCoder-Python-7B/ code ../datasets/WizardCoder-7b/ 16 3000
  3. Run KD-base QAT

    # Specify the pre-trained model path
    # Specify the num_gpus and batch_size according to your GPU devices
    # Specify the clipping cache path to the --clip
    cd train
    bash train.sh ../data/datasets/WizardCoder-7b/code_T0.7_N1024_S42_3000.json ./ckpts/WizardCoder-7b/int2-g128/ ./logs/WizardCoder-7b/int2-g128/ 2
</details> <details> <summary>MetaMath</summary>
  1. Get the Clipping result

    cd BitDistiller/quantization
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python autoclip.py --model_path <model_path> --calib_dataset gsm8k --quant_type int --w_bit 2 --q_group_size 128 --run_clip --dump_clip ./clip_cache/MetaMath-7B/int2-g128.pt
  2. Get the Teacher Generation Data

    # vllm
    python generate_vllm.py --base_model <model_path> --dataset_name math --out_path ./datasets/MetaMath-7B/ --max_sample 3000
    cd BitDistiller/data/generation
    bash generate.sh /root/MetaMath-7B-V1.0/ math ../datasets/MetaMath-7B/ 16 3000
  3. Run KD-base QAT

    # Specify the pre-trained model path
    # Specify the num_gpus and batch_size according to your GPU devices
    # Specify the clipping cache path to the --clip
    cd train
    bash train.sh ../data/datasets/MetaMath-7B/math_T0.7_N1024_S42_3000.json ./ckpts/MetaMath-7b/int2-g128/ ./logs/MetaMath-7b/int2-g128/ 2

3. Evaluation

Example Srcipts

<details> <summary>LLaMA-2</summary> </details> <details> <summary>WizardCoder</summary> </details> <details> <summary>MetaMath</summary> </details>

4. Inference

Please see inference/


If you find BitDistiller useful or relevant to your research, please kindly cite our paper:

      title={BitDistiller: Unleashing the Potential of Sub-4-Bit LLMs via Self-Distillation}, 
      author={Dayou Du and Yijia Zhang and Shijie Cao and Jiaqi Guo and Ting Cao and Xiaowen Chu and Ningyi Xu},