

Feedsearch Crawler

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Feedsearch Crawler is a Python library for searching websites for RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds.

It is a continuation of my work on Feedsearch, which is itself a continuation of the work done by Dan Foreman-Mackey on Feedfinder2, which in turn is based on feedfinder - originally written by Mark Pilgrim and subsequently maintained by Aaron Swartz until his untimely death.

Feedsearch Crawler differs with all of the above in that it is now built as an asynchronous Web crawler for Python 3.7 and above, using asyncio and aiohttp, to allow much more rapid scanning of possible feed urls.

An implementation using this library to provide a public Feed Search API is available at https://feedsearch.dev

Pull requests and suggestions are welcome.


The library is available on PyPI:

pip install feedsearch-crawler

The library requires Python 3.7+.


Feedsearch Crawler is called with the single function search:

>>> from feedsearch_crawler import search
>>> feeds = search('xkcd.com')
>>> feeds
[FeedInfo('https://xkcd.com/rss.xml'), FeedInfo('https://xkcd.com/atom.xml')]
>>> feeds[0].url
>>> str(feeds[0].url)
>>> feeds[0].serialize()
{'url': 'https://xkcd.com/rss.xml', 'title': 'xkcd.com', 'version': 'rss20', 'score': 24, 'hubs': [], 'description': 'xkcd.com: A webcomic of romance and math humor.', 'is_push': False, 'self_url': '', 'favicon': 'https://xkcd.com/s/919f27.ico', 'content_type': 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8', 'bozo': 0, 'site_url': 'https://xkcd.com/', 'site_name': 'xkcd: Chernobyl', 'favicon_data_uri': '', 'content_length': 2847}

If you are already running in an asyncio event loop, then you can import and await search_async instead. The search function is only a wrapper that runs search_async in a new asyncio event loop.

from feedsearch_crawler import search_async

feeds = await search_async('xkcd.com')

A search will always return a list of FeedInfo objects, each of which will always have a url property, which is a URL object that can be decoded to a string with str(url). The returned FeedInfo are sorted by the score value from highest to lowest, with a higher score theoretically indicating a more relevant feed compared to the original URL provided. A FeedInfo can also be serialized to a JSON compatible dictionary by calling it's .serialize() method.

The crawl logs can be accessed with:

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("feedsearch_crawler")

Feedsearch Crawler also provides a handy function to output the returned feeds as an OPML subscription list, encoded as a UTF-8 bytestring.

from feedsearch_crawler import output_opml


Search Arguments

search and search_async take the following arguments:

    url: Union[URL, str, List[Union[URL, str]]],
    crawl_hosts: bool=True,
    try_urls: Union[List[str], bool]=False,
    concurrency: int=10,
    total_timeout: Union[float, aiohttp.ClientTimeout]=10,
    request_timeout: Union[float, aiohttp.ClientTimeout]=3,
    user_agent: str="Feedsearch Bot",
    max_content_length: int=1024 * 1024 * 10,
    max_depth: int=10,
    headers: dict={"X-Custom-Header": "Custom Header"},
    favicon_data_uri: bool=True,
    delay: float=0

FeedInfo Values

In addition to the url, FeedInfo objects may have the following values: