

NNS Benchmark: Evaluating Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithms in High Dimensional Euclidean Space

Nearest neighbor search (NNS) is a fundamental and essential operation in applications from many domains, such as databases, machine learning, multimedia, and computer vision. Hundreds of algorithms have been proposed to attack the problem from different perspectives, yet there is no open and comprehensive comparison. By "comprehensive", we mean using state-of-the-art algorithms proposed from different research areas, and evaluating them on a diverse range of datasets.

To aid researchers and practitioners working on or whose work depends on the problem, we setup this benchmark for Nearest Neighbor Search (NNS) based on the Euclidean distance on High Dimensional Data. The benefit is twofold:

We also would like to leverage the entire community to collaboratively build and maintain this benchmark. For example, submitting new algorithms, useful datasets, or offering suggestions or improvements.


We limit the scope of this benchmark by imposing the following constraints.

Currently, we evaluate 15 representative NNS algorithms on 20 datasets where details are reported in our Nearest Neighbor Search (NNS) Experimental Evaluation Paper[1].

Algorithms Evaluted

Thanks to the original authors, all the algorithms considered in this benchmark have their sources publicly available. Algorithms are implemented in C++ unless otherwise specified. We carefully go through all the implementations and make necessary modifications to for fair comparisons. For instance, we re-implement the search process of some algorithms in C++. We also disable the multi-threads, SIMD instructions, fast-math, and hardware prefetching technique.

Below are brief introuductions of the algorithms evaluated in the benchmark as well as our revisions, which are grouped into three/four categories.

1. Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH)-Based Methods

2. Space Partitioning-based Methods

2.1. Encoding-Based Space Partitioning Methods

2.2. Tree-Based Space Partitioning Methods

3. Neighborhood-Based Methods

Datasets Used

Currently, we use

Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of the datasets including the number of data points (n), dimensionality (d), Relative Contrast (RC [18]), local intrinsic dimensionality (LID [19]), and data type, where RC and LID are used to describe the hardness of the datasets.

Namen X 10^3dRCLIDType

Table 1: Dataset Summary

We mark the first four datasets in Table 1 with asterisks to indicate that they are hard datasets compared with others.

Below, we give more descriptions of these datasets.


Please refer to our NNS Experimental Evaluation paper[1].


Our own code is released under the Apache License Version 2.0. Copyright is owned by DBWang Group (University of New South Wales, Australia) and Database group at QCIS, UTS (Centre for Quantum Computation & Intelligent Systems, The University of Technology Sydney, Australia).

Below are the license information for the included implementations:

  1. KGraph: BSD license. Users are still encouraged to download the binary distributions from its home site so building issues can be avoided.

  2. NMSLib and Annoy: Apache License Version 2.0.

  3. AGH: License information below

Terms of Use
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 by
DVMM Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering
Columbia University
Rm 1312 S.W. Mudd, 500 West 120th Street
New York, NY 10027
If it is your intention to use this code for non-commercial purposes, such as in academic research, this code is free.
If you use this code in your research, please acknowledge the authors, and cite our related publication:

Wei Liu, Jun Wang, Sanjiv Kumar, and Shih-Fu Chang, "Hashing with Graphs," International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Bellevue, Washington, USA, 2011
  1. SRS: GPL License.

  2. FLANN: BSD License.

  3. RCT: The Authors grant us the permission to release source code by email.

  4. Algorithms whose license information are not mentioned: NSH, OPQ, QALSH, SGH, and SH.

Recall vs Speedup

Here, we present the Recall with respect to Speedup of all the algorithms on four datasets, the k is set to be 20.

image Sift image Gist image Glove image MillionSong


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[11] E. Bernhardsson. Annoy at github.

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