Test Repo for CyberChef/CyberSaucier recipes
Many of the recipies are test recipies for testing CyberSaucier, but the recipies under the folder named "real" are suitable for actual use.
Repo Folder Structure
- real - acutal cyberChef recipes that I use
- Simplified - simple recipies, probably too simple for use
- Subset - a subset of recipies (taken from MattNotMax)
Format of a CyberSaucier Recipe File
Recipe files are JSON files and are expected to be a single JSON object with a few required properties:
- name - the name of the recipe; used as an identifier
- recipe - the JSON CyberChef Recipe (use the "Save" option in the CyberChef UI to get the "Clean JSON" or "Compact JSON" form of the recipe to use here)
- meta - an extra object that will be included in the CyberChef output object
- fieldname - a field to add on to the return object (takes the CyberChef output and adds it as a field [with this fieldname] to the output object)