


This project creates a web UI for the DAO DAO smart contracts, enabling users to:

All without having to code!

You can find more info in our documentation. Join the DAO DAO Discord if you're interested in becoming a contributor.


Clone this repo and install dependencies

git clone https://github.com/DA0-DA0/dao-dao-ui
cd dao-dao-ui

If you're here to work on UI components in isolation, you will likely want to run the Storybook server to mock up components and iterate quickly without having to access live chain data. Check out the storybook package README for usage instructions.

To start the Storybook server, run this command from the root of this monorepo:

yarn storybook start

If you're here to work on any other part of the app, likely accessing live chain data, run the yarn dev script (equivalent to running yarn dev from the ./apps/dapp package) to run the main app in development mode.

yarn dev

If something is misconfigured, check out the docs for Turborepo, the monorepo build system we use.



dappDAO DAO UI hosted at https://daodao.zone.


configConfigurations for various dev tools.
emailEmail template and generator tools.
i18nInternationalization/translation system.
stateState retrieval and management for the DAO DAO UI.
statefulStateful components, hooks, and systems that access and manipulate live data.
statelessReact components, React hooks, and other stateless rendering utilities which do not access live data.
storybookStorybook server configuration and story decorators.
typesTypes used across packages.
utilsUtility functions used across packages.


Interested in contributing to DAO DAO? Check out CONTRIBUTING.md.


DAO DAO TOOLING IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. No developer or entity involved in creating the DAO DAO UI or smart contracts will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of DAO DAO tooling, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or loss of profits, cryptocurrencies, tokens, or anything else of value.