

In the light of feature distributions: Moment matching for Neural Style Transfer (CVPR 2021)

This repository provides code to recreate results presented in In the light of feature distributions: Moment matching for Neural Style Transfer.

For more information, please see the project website and make sure to check out our medium blog post here

<hr /> <img src="assets/teaser.jpg" />


If you have any questions, please let me <a href='m&#97;i&#108;to&#58;niko&#37;6Ca&#105;%2&#69;%6Ba&#37;&#54;&#67;i&#37;7&#51;c&#37;68&#101;k&#64;ge&#37;&#54;Fd&#46;bau%67&#46;&#101;&#116;h%7A&#46;%6&#51;&#104;'>know</a>


Running neural style transfer with Central Moment Discrepancy is as easy as running

python main.py --c_img ./path/to/content.jpg --s_img ./path/to/style.jpg

You have the following command line arguments to change to your needs:

<pre> --c_img The content image that is being stylized. --s_img The style image --epsilon Iterative optimization is stopped if delta value of moving average loss is smaller than this value. --max_iter Maximum iterations if epsilon is not surpassed --alpha Convex interpolation of style and content loss (should be set high > 0.9 since we start with content as target) --lr Learning rate of Adam optimizer --im_size Output image size. Can either be single integer for keeping aspect ratio or tuple. </pre>


      title={In the light of feature distributions: moment matching for Neural Style Transfer}, 
      author={Nikolai Kalischek and Jan Dirk Wegner and Konrad Schindler},