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Lightweight, Fast JWT(JSON Web Token) implementation for .NET. This library mainly focus on performance, 5 times faster encoding/decoding and very low allocation.


NuGet: LitJWT

Supported platform is netstandard 2.1, net5.0 or greater.

Install-Package LitJWT
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Table of Contents

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How to use

// using LitJWT;
// using LitJWT.Algorithms;

// Get recommended-size random key.
var key = HS256Algorithm.GenerateRandomRecommendedKey();

// Create encoder, JwtEncoder is thread-safe and recommend to store static/singleton.
var encoder = new JwtEncoder(new HS256Algorithm(key));

// Encode with payload, expire, and use specify payload serializer.
var token = encoder.Encode(new { foo = "pay", bar = "load" }, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));
// Create decoder, JwtDecoder is also thread-safe so recommend to store static/singleton.
var decoder = new JwtDecoder(encoder.SignAlgorithm);

// Decode and verify, you can check the result.
var result = decoder.TryDecode(token, out var payload);
if (result == DecodeResult.Success)
    Console.WriteLine((payload.foo, payload.bar));

Custom Serializer

In default. LitJWT is using System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer. If you want to use custom JsonSerializerOptions, JwtEncoder and JwtDecoder have JsonSerializerOptions serializerOptions constructor overload.

If you want to use another serializer, encode method receives Action<T, JwtWriter> payloadWriter. You have to invoke writer.Write(ReadOnlySpan<byte> payload) method to serialize. ReadOnlySpan<byte> must be Utf8 binary.

Here is the sample of use JSON.NET, this have encoding overhead.

var token = encoder.Encode(new PayloadSample { foo = "pay", bar = "load" }, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30),
    (x, writer) => writer.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x))));

Decode method receives delegate T PayloadParser<T>(ReadOnlySpan<byte> payload). ReadOnlySpan<byte> is utf8 json. Yes, utf8 based serializer is best but you can also use JSON.NET(but have encoding penalty).

var result = decoder.TryDecode(token, x => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PayloadSample>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(x)), out var payload);


Decoding algorithm is whitelist, you should add algorithms when create JwtDecoder.

var resolver = new JwtAlgorithmResolver(
    new HS256Algorithm(),
    new HS384Algorithm(),
    new HS512Algorithm(),
    new RS256Algorithm(),
    new RS384Algorithm(),
    new RS512Algorithm());
var decoder = new JwtDecoder(resolver);

JwtAlgorithmResolver and JwtDecoder are both thread-safe.

Details of Performance

For example, standard implementation of Base64Url encoding is like here.

Convert.ToBase64String(input).TrimEnd('=').Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_')

It has three unnecessary allocations(trim, replace, replace) and searching. I've implemented Base64Url converter and it has Span<T> based APIs to achive zero allocation.

ReadOnlySpan<byte> can not become dictionary key but decoding JWT requires alg, exp, nbf match to avoid extra decoding. I've implement custom Utf8String Dictionary it store data on initialize and match by bool TryGetValue(ReadOnlySpan<byte> key, out TValue value).


MethodMeanErrorRatioGen 0Gen 1Gen 2Allocated
LitJwt1.560 usNA1.000.0477--320 B
JwtDotNet8.164 usNA5.230.9613--6216 B
MicrosoftIdentityModelJwt12.673 usNA8.121.8311--11665 B


MethodMeanErrorRatioGen 0Gen 1Gen 2Allocated
LitJwt2.245 usNA1.000.0229--192 B
JwtDotNet12.788 usNA5.702.25830.0153-14385 B
MicrosoftIdentityModelJwt13.099 usNA5.832.2125--14113 B

LitJWT is completely working on Utf8 so Encode method has three overloads.

IBufferWriter is fastest if you can write directly to I/O pipelines. byte[] is better than string because it can avoid utf8-string encoding cost.

For example gRPC C# or MagicOnion can set binary header. It has better performance than use string value.

// gRPC Header
var metadata = new Metadata();
metadata.Add("auth-token-bin", encoder.EncodeAsUtf8Bytes());


If you don't need asymmetric encryption, HMACSHA is better.


MethodMeanErrorGen 0Gen 1Gen 2Allocated
HS2561.928 usNA0.1335--888 B
HS3841.787 usNA0.1373--888 B
HS5121.714 usNA0.1373--888 B
RS256618.728 usNA---1008 B
RS384629.516 usNA---1008 B
RS512639.434 usNA---1008 B


MethodMeanErrorGen 0Gen 1Gen 2Allocated
HS2561.876 usNA----
HS3841.677 usNA----
HS5121.735 usNA----
RS25656.549 usNA---120 B
RS38455.625 usNA---120 B
RS51255.746 usNA---120 B

For example, use session key(to browser, unity client, etc...), client don't decode and only to store.


This library is under the MIT License.