

GraviNewton 🍎 - [Accepted] WWDC22 Scholarship Application

The project ⌨️

Have you ever stopped to think about how things happened? What if they were different? Are there other factors that directly influenced this? Well then! GraviNewton will show you the world before gravity was discovered! Where you can find out what happened to Newton and the famous story of the apple. What if Earth's gravity was different? What would have happened to him?

GraviNewton is an application to help you visualize this, in an educational and dynamic way!

Development 👩🏻‍💻

In this version of the app, I put my first knowledge of swift into practice, so autolayout is something that needs to be worked on. In addition to additional features that can bring more life to the application in general, such as background music.

Prints 🖥️

Initial PopUpHome screen
<img src="https://github.com/CynaraCosta/graviNewton-WWDC/blob/main/Screenshots/init-popup.png" alt="Initial PopUp" width="500" height="240"><img src="https://github.com/CynaraCosta/graviNewton-WWDC/blob/main/Screenshots/home-screen.png" alt="Home Screen" width="500" height="240">
Newton discovering gravityDiscovery PopUp
<img src="https://github.com/CynaraCosta/graviNewton-WWDC/blob/main/Screenshots/discovered.png" alt="Newton discovering gravity" width="500" height="240"><img src="https://github.com/CynaraCosta/graviNewton-WWDC/blob/main/Screenshots/discovered-popup.png" alt="Discovery PopUp" width="500" height="240">
Newton RIPNon-Discovery Popup
<img src="https://github.com/CynaraCosta/graviNewton-WWDC/blob/main/Screenshots/rip.png" alt="Newton RIP" width="500" height="240"><img src="https://github.com/CynaraCosta/graviNewton-WWDC/blob/main/Screenshots/rip-popup.png" alt="Non-Discovery Popup" width="500" height="240">

Frameworks 📚

For this project I used SwiftUI 👾 in Swift and AVKit language for sound effects. In addition to using Garageband to create the sounds of the game and the PixelArt website to create most of the design of the App.

Video of the App 🎥


Como utilizar? 🔍

Just download the current project, open it in xcode and select the "play" symbol or press "command + R" which will launch the project!