

JsJaws Service

This Assemblyline service integrates components from six open-source projects:

Both sandboxes use Node VM under the hood for malware sandboxing, although Box.js prefers a modified version of Node VM called vm2.


JsJaws also uses signatures for the majority of its scoring. These can be run on both the file contents and the sandbox outputs.

In the signatures folder are a bunch of signatures that will affect the scoring of samples. If you have a sample that needs better detection from this service, and you see output from the MalwareJail or Box.js tool that could have a signature written for it, then please make a Pull Request or share the sample! Let's improve this!

Service Parameters

Submission Parameters

Generic parameters:

Box.js parameters:

MalwareJail parameters:

Synchrony parameters:

Features included with Internet connectivity

jQuery Fetching

There have been samples that embed malicious code within standard jQuery libraries. If the service Docker container has access to the Internet, then we can fetch the actual jQuery library and compare the two files, determining the difference between them and then extracting the difference (aka malicious code). If the service Docker container does not have Internet access, then please set the docker_config value of allow_internet_access to False in the service_manifest.yml.

Assemblyline System Safelist

JsJaws-specific safelisted items

The file at al_config/system_safelist.yaml contains suggested safelisted values that can be added to the Assemblyline system safelist either by copy-and-pasting directly to the text editor on the page https://<Assemblyline Instance>/admin/tag_safelist or through the Assemblyline Client.