

Conditional Match and Replace (CMAR)

An extension allowing you to create match and replace operations that execute only when a condition is matched (or not matched). The condition can be matched against the request Header/Body/All, or the response Header/Body/All. If the condition is matched, you can apply a match and replace rule against the specified area. You can create a condition that matches a request, then performs a match and replace in the response.

CMARs work in a chain, updating the request/response then moving to the next rule. If you have a CMAR that changes a request, and the subsequent rule matches a condition that was only present before the match and replace, it will not fire.

Conditions support regex and literal matching, as does the match and replace function.

Extension uses:


Screenshot1 test


gradle build outputs the jar into build/libs/cmar.jar.


CMAR only has one dependency, for the Burp Extender API (version 2.3), which all Burp Apps require. This is available in a Maven repository and should be fetched automatically if you use gradle to build. The hash for this jar is verified in newer versions of gradle.


Missing Features:


Tests can be run by setting runTests = true in the BurpExtender.java file. Leave this disabled normally.