

Paper: De-rendering Stylized Texts

<img src = "example/rec0.png" title = "rec" >

Wataru Shimoda<sup>1</sup>, Daichi Haraguchi<sup>2</sup>, Seiichi Uchida<sup>2</sup>, Kota Yamaguchi<sup>1</sup>
<sup>1</sup>CyberAgent.Inc, <sup>2</sup> Kyushu University
Accepted to ICCV2021. [Publication] [Arxiv] [project-page]


This repository contains the codes for "De-rendering stylized texts".


We propose to parse rendering parameters of stylized texts utilizing a neural net. <img src = "example/concept.jpg" title = "concept" >


The proposed model parses rendering parameters based on famous 2d graphic engine[Skia.org|python implementation], which has compatibility with CSS in the Web. We can export the estimated rendering parameters and edit texts by an off-the-shelf rendering engine.

<div align = 'center'> <img src = "example/edit0.gif" title = "edit0" height = "220" > <img src = "example/edit1.gif" title = "edit1" height = "220" > </div>



pip install -r requirements.txt

Font data

- cd data/fonts
- git clone https://github.com/google/fonts.git gfonts
+ mkdir data/fonts/gfonts; cd data/fonts/gfonts
+ tar xvzf ofl.tar.gz

Pre-rendered alpha maps

python -m util_lib.gen_pams

Pre-rendered alpha maps would be generated in data/fonts/prerendered_alpha.

<div align = 'center'> <img src = "example/sample.jpg" title = "inp" height = "300"> <img src = "example/opt.gif" title = "opt" height = "300" > </div>



Example usage.

python test.py --imgfile=example/sample.jpg


Text image editing

The proposed model generates a reconstructed image and a pickle file for the parsed rendering parameters.
Here, we prepare a notebook file:text_edit.ipynb for the guide of the processings to edit text images using the parsed rendering parameters.

Some examples from text_edit.ipynb:

<div align = 'center'> <p>Background editing</p> <img src = "example/bg_edit.png" title = "inp" height = "200" > </div> <div align = 'center'> <p>Text editing</p> <img src = "example/text_edit.png" title = "inp" height = "200" > </div> <div align = 'center'> <p>Border effect editing</p> <img src = "example/border_edit.png" title = "inp" height = "200" > </div> <div align = 'center'> <p>Shadow effect editing</p> <img src = "example/shadow_edit.png" title = "inp" height = "200" > </div> <div align = 'center'> <p>Text offsets editing</p> <img src = "example/offset_edit.png" title = "inp" height = "200" > </div> <div align = 'center'> <p>Font editing</p> <img src = "example/font_edit.png" title = "inp" height = "200" > </div>

Data generation

Quick start.

python gen.py --bgtype=load --bg_dir=src/modules/generator/example/bg --mask_dir=src/modules/generator/example/mask

The generated text images would be located in gen_data/.

For the detail, see generator.

Train text parser model

Quick start. Generate training data using simple background dataset.

python gen.py --bgtype=color

Train text parser model with the generated simple background data.

python train.py

For the detail, see trainer.

Attribute details



    author    = {Shimoda, Wataru and Haraguchi, Daichi and Uchida, Seiichi and Yamaguchi, Kota},
    title     = {De-Rendering Stylized Texts},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {1076-1085}


This repository is maintained by Wataru shimoda(wataru_shimoda[at]cyberagent.co.jp).