


Visualizing public transport schedule data (GTFS) interactively in a web-browser.


A live demo can be found here: http://transportnetworks.cs.aalto.fi/webviz/. See also this video showing how-to use the tool.


An easy way to get things going with Python 3.5 is to use conda:

conda create --name gtfspy-webviz python=3.5
source activate gtfspy-webviz
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install


First import GTFS data using the gtfspy Python package into an SQLite directory stored on disk. An example how to do this..

Change the DB_DIR variable in the settings.py file to point to the directory where you have stored the SQLite database. If you have stored the database with another file ending than what is listed in the settings.py, please add the file ending to that list.

Run the following in the terminal:

python run.py # starts the backend-development server
npm start # starts the development environment

Open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser. Enjoy.


All files under directories src/js src/html src/css are licensed under MIT license. For the licenses of the Javascript libraries under src/lib, please see their source code.

To build the front-end for deployment elsewhere

npm run-script build

Main author

@rmkujala, Rainer.Kujala@gmail.com

Other contributors

Richard Darst, Christoffer Weckström


The development of this visualization tool has benefited from the support by Academy of Finland through the DeCoNet project.

See also

gtfspy Python package for analyzing public transport networks