


Cache engines for lapis framework

In your config.lua add:

cache = {
  my_cache = {
    engine = "redis",
    duration = 900 -- or nil never expires

Inside you application

local Cache = require("lapis.cache.cache")
Writing to a Cache
Cache:write(key, value, config = 'default')

Cache:write() will write a "value" to the Cache. You can read or delete this value later by referring to it by "key". You may specify an optional configuration to store the cache in as well. If no "config" is specified, default will be used.

local posts = Cache:read('posts')
if not posts then
    posts = Posts:select("where id > ?", 0)
    Cache:write('posts', posts)
Read Through Caching
Cache:remember(key, callable, config = 'default')

Cache makes it easy to do read-through caching. If the named cache key exists, it will be returned. If the key does not exist, the callable will be invoked and the results stored in the cache at the provided key.

local posts = Cache:remember('posts', function()
  return Posts:select("where id > ?", 0)
Reading From a Cache
Cache:read(key, config = 'default')

Cache::read() is used to read the cached value stored under "key" from the "config". If "config" is null the default config will be used. Cache:read() will return the cached value if it is a valid cache or false if the cache has expired or doesn’t exist.

local cloud = Cache:read('cloud')
Deleting From a Cache
Cache:delete(key, config = 'default')

Cache:delete() will allow you to completely remove a cached object from the store

-- Remove a key