

Data Structures and Algorithms with ES6

Examples in this repo

1.-Array4The Array is the most common data structure in computer programming
2.-Lists5A List is an ordered sequence of data, where elements are not meant to be ordered.
3.-Stacks3A Stack is an example of Last-in, First-Out (LIFO)
4.-Queues2A Queue is an example of First-in, First-Out (FIFO)
5.-Linked List 4A Linked list is a collection of objects called nodes. Each node is linked to a successor node in the list using an object reference.
6.-Double Linked List 3Traversing a Double linked list are more efficient, since we no longer have to search for the previous node.
7.-Circular Linked List 4The reason you might want to create a Circular linked list is if you want the ability to go backward through a list but don’t want the extra overhead of creating a doubly linked list.
8.-Hashing2Hashing is a common technique for storing data in such a way that the data can be inserted and retrieved very quickly. Hashing uses a data structure called a hash table. Although hash tables provide fast insertion, deletion, and retrieval, they perform poorly for operations that involve searching.
9.-Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees4Binary trees are chosen over other more primary data structures because you can search a binary tree very quickly (as opposed to a linked list, for example) and you can quickly insert and delete data from a binary tree (as opposed to an array).
10.-Graph Data Structure2A graph consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges. A map is a type of graph where each town is a vertex, and a road that connects two towns is an edge. Edges are defined as a pair (v1, v2), where v1 and v2 are two vertices in a graph
11.-Sorting Algorithms6Two of the most common operations performed on data stored in a computer are sorting and searching.
12.-Searching Algorithms6There are two ways to search for data in a list: sequential search and binary search. A sequential search is used when the items in a list are in random order; a binary search is used when the items in a list are in sorted order.

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Some exercises are based from the book Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript - by Michael McMillian (O’Reilly) ISBN - 978-1-449-36493-9.