

<h1 align="center"> <img alt="GMi18n" title="#GMi18n" src="./brand.png" /> </h1> <h4 align="center">Internationalization of texts simply and quickly, using JSON files</h4> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/CreativeHandOficial/gm-i18n/releases/tag/v0.3.2"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/release-v0.3.2-%2348af8f" alt="Release v0.3.2"> </a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=CreativeHandOf"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/CreativeHandOf.svg?label=Follow%20@CreativeHandOf" alt="Follow @CreativeHandOf" /> </a> </p>

Sample demonstration

<br /> <p align="center"> <img alt="GMi18n" title="#GMi18n" src="./gm-i18n.gif" /> </p>


To use GM i18n, download the latest release, and import the .yymps package into your project.

Location files must be included in the GMS include file. Example of how to create a file: en-US.json

Once imported to your project, you can use any of the API functions below. Remembering that it is necessary to configure gmi18nSetup();


gmi18nSetup(_locales*, _defaultLocale*, _fallBackLocale)

This function is responsible for configuring the creation of the locations configuration file, defining what will be the default location and configuring the return location.

I recommend using the object oSetupi18n to speed up initial setup

// @desc Method for configuring in18 within your project, using locations as parameters. The default location. And a return location if there is no requested structure.
// @param	{array}  _locales*		    Required Locales configuration array, must contain code, file and lang
// @param	{string} _defaultLocale*  Required Setting the default location
// @param	{string} _fallBackLocale  Optional Setting the return location, if it does not exist at the current location
// @example

// Configuring gmi18n to generate the information needed to initialize it.

locales = [
	{ code: "pt-BR", file: "pt-BR.json", lang: "Portugues" },
	{ code: "en-US", file: "en-US.json", lang: "English" },
	{ code: "es-ES", file: "es-ES.json", lang: "Espanhol" }

defaultLocale = "pt-BR";
fallBackLocale = "pt-BR";

gmi18nSetup(locales, defaultLocale, fallBackLocale);

useTranslation(_param, _varName)

This function is responsible for returning the text that was configured in the json file of the chosen location

// @desc    Method responsible for returning the text within the .json file of the previously chosen location
// @param	 {string} _param*  | Required | Structure created within your .json localization file
// @param	 {string} _varName | Optional | The name of the variable that must remain static
// @returns {string} Returns the text chosen in the parameter
// @example

// Search for the welcome text according to the chosen location
draw_text(x, y, useTranslation('welcome'));


// Using the function within Create Event, this way it will be possible to update the variable value whenever there is a language change

name = useTranslation('welcome', 'name');


It is possible to abbreviate the useTranslation() call, to make the code less verbose.


// Create
t = method(self, useTranslation);

// Draw
draw_text(x, y, t('welcome'));


Method responsible for updating objects' create event variables

// Begin Step



Change your current location

// @desc     Method responsible for making the language localization change
// @param    {string} _locale* Required Location to be changed
// @example

// Changing the language to pt-BR



Returns the current location code

@desc    Returns the current chosen location
@returns {string} _locale Return the code

// Returns the current code: "pt-BR"



Returns an array with all the locations configured during setup

// @desc    Returns an array with all the locations configured during setup
// @returns {Array} _locales Return all locations configured in the setup
// @example

// Returns the following array:
// [
//  { code: "pt-BR", file: "pt-BR.json", lang: "Portugues" },
//  { code: "en-US", file: "en-US.json", lang: "English" },
//  { code: "es-ES", file: "es-ES.json", lang: "Espanhol" }
// ];



<div align="left"> <table> <tr align="center"> <td align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/JujuAdams"> <img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3970480?v=4" width="100" /> <br /> <sub> <b>Juju Adams</b> </sub> </a> <br /> <a href="http://www.jujuadams.com/" title="Juju Adams">🌈</a></td> </td> </tr> </table> </div>


<div align="left"> <table> <tr align="center"> <td>Coded By</td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/rbarbosa95"> <img src="https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/15218743?s=460&u=d76d008067b2ee2fe2f55db081ea78cdad461e57&v=4" width="100" /> <br /> <sub> <b>Ramon Barbosa</b> </sub> </a> <br /> <a href="https://creativehand.com.br/" title="Creative Hand">🕹️</a></td> </td> </tr> </table> </div>


Only in Portuguese. Link Figma


This project is under license MIT.

Done with 💚 by Creative Hand