

<!--lint disable double-link awesome-heading awesome-git-repo-age awesome-toc--> <div align="center"> <h1>🌟 Create Awesome Node App 🚀</h1>

Changelog | Contributing

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Awesome Continious Integration npm npm License: MIT


This repository contains the source code for the create-awesome-node-app package. ✨


🚀 Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run <script>Description
testRuns unit tests with Jest.
lint🚦 Lints the project for potential errors
lint:fixLints the project and fixes all correctable errors
formatFormats the project using Prettier
type-checkRuns TypeScript type checking

Running Locally

When contributing you might want to test your changes locally before opening a PR. To do so, you can use the create-awesome-node-app CLI to create a new project and test your changes.

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Create-Node-App/create-node-app.git

# Move into the directory
cd create-node-app

# Setup your local environment
fnm use
npm install

# Build the CLI
npm run build -- --filter create-awesome-node-app

# Create a new project
./packages/create-awesome-node-app/index.js my-app

🤝 Contributing