

CosmWasm Tokens


This is a collection of cw20-related contracts extracted from cw-plus. These serve as examples of what is possible to build and as starting points for your own CosmWasm token contracts.

None of these have been audited or are considered ready-for-production as is. Contributions may come from many community members. Please do your own due dilligence on them before using on any production site, and please raise Github issues for any bugs you find.

You are more than welcome to create a PR to add any cw20-related contract you have written that you would like to share with the community.

cw20-atomic-swapRelease v0.14.2Docs
cw20-bondingRelease v0.14.2Docs
cw20-escrowRelease v0.14.2Docs
cw20-stakingRelease v0.14.2Docs
cw20-merkle-airdropRelease v0.14.2Docs

Warning None of these contracts have been audited and no liability is assumed for the use of this code. They are provided to turbo-start your projects.


All contracts add functionality around the CW20 Fungible Token standard:


To compile all the contracts, run the following in the repo root:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \

This will compile all packages in the contracts directory and output the stripped and optimized wasm code under the artifacts directory as output, along with a checksums.txt file.

If you hit any issues there and want to debug, you can try to run the following in each contract dir: RUSTFLAGS="-C link-arg=-s" cargo build --release --target=wasm32-unknown-unknown --locked


All code in this repo will always be licensed under Apache-2.0.