

QuIP#: Even Better LLM Quantization with Hadamard Incoherence and Lattice Codebooks, ICML 2024

QuIP# is a weight-only post-training quantization method that achieves state-of-the-art performance in extreme compression ($\le 4$ bits per weight) regimes. QuIP# introduces (1) faster and better incoherence processing with the randomized Hadamard transform (RHT), (2) fast vector quantization with $E_8$ lattice-based codebooks, and (3) a fine-tuning scheme to capture inter-layer interactions. This codebase contains code that allows users to quantize and deploy their own QuIP# models as well as CUDA kernels for fast inference. Please open a GitHub ticket if you have any questions about the code or QuIP# in general. Prequantized QuIP# models are available here.

QuIP# Scaling

QuIP# is the first PTQ method where 3 bit models scale better than theoretically lossless 4 bit models.

<img src="assets/quip.PNG" width="500">

QuIP# Inference Throughput

Timed on a RTX6000 ADA.

FP1657.7 tok/sOOM
AQLM 2 Bit81.18.72
QuIP# 2 Bit17621.9

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Example quantization scripts for the Llama family of models are located in quantize_llama. Follow these scripts to use QuIP# on other architectures. Within quantize_llama:

I want to quantize a non-Llama architecture model, what do I do?

The scripts in quantize_llama are written with the Llama architecture in mind. However, QuIP# is adaptable to any architecture with linear layers. To use QuIP# on a new architecture, identify the relevant linear layers and update the scripts in quantize_llama. Feel free to open a GitHub issue if you run into issues.


eval contains evaluation scripts. These scripts may need CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 if you run into CUDA errors due to how HF accelerate works.

Fast Inference and Text Generation

QuIP# was designed to support fast inference. Example inference kernels for recent NVIDIA GPUs can be found in the quiptools folder. We are currently missing a 1 bit matrix-vector multiply kernel needed to make 3 bit inference fast, so if you'd like to contribute feel free to open a pull request.

eval/interactive_gen.py contains a very simple interactive generation script. This script is very rudimentary and you may want to write your own - all it does is call HF's .generate() function. HF generate does not currently work out-of-the-box with CUDA graphs. Thus, this script will be very slow since most of the time is spent on kernel launches. QuIP# should work with any codebase and people have reported success integrating it with vLLM, so we may switch away from HF in the future -- the purpose of this codebase is to provide a reference implementation for QuIP#.

[Update] https://github.com/Cornell-RelaxML/quip-sharp/pull/65 adds CUDA graph support to HF, so this codebase will support fast inference soon!

Model Zoo

Example quantized models (mostly Llama 1 and 2) can be found on our HF repo. To use them, pass the given HF repo_id to --hf_path. The 3 bit models are currently significantly slower than the 2 and 4 bit models during generation since we have not written an optimized matvec CUDA kernel for them yet. Feel free to open a pull request with a link to your own quantized QuIP# model if you want us to list it here.

CodebookBase ModelWeight BitsHF repo_id
E8P 2 BitLlama 2 70b2relaxml/Llama-2-70b-E8P-2Bit
Llama 2 70b chat2relaxml/Llama-2-70b-chat-E8P-2Bit
Llama 2 13b2relaxml/Llama-2-13b-E8P-2Bit
Llama 2 13b chat2relaxml/Llama-2-13b-chat-E8P-2Bit
Llama 2 7b2relaxml/Llama-2-7b-E8P-2Bit
Llama 2 7b chat2relaxml/Llama-2-7b-chat-E8P-2Bit
Llama 1 65b2relaxml/Llama-1-65b-E8P-2Bit
Llama 1 30b2relaxml/Llama-1-30b-E8P-2Bit
Llama 1 13b2relaxml/Llama-1-13b-E8P-2Bit
Llama 1 7b2relaxml/Llama-1-7b-E8P-2Bit
Mistral 7b (non fine-tuned)2relaxml/Mistral-7b-E8P-2Bit
OpenHermes 2.5 (non fine-tuned)2relaxml/Openhermes-7b-E8P-2Bit
E8P RVQ 3 BitLlama 2 70b3relaxml/Llama-2-70b-E8PRVQ-3Bit
Llama 2 70b chat3relaxml/Llama-2-70b-chat-E8PRVQ-3Bit
Llama 2 13b3relaxml/Llama-2-13b-E8PRVQ-3Bit
Llama 2 13b chat3relaxml/Llama-2-13b-chat-E8PRVQ-3Bit
Llama 2 7b3relaxml/Llama-2-7b-E8PRVQ-3Bit
Llama 2 7b chat3relaxml/Llama-2-7b-chat-E8PRVQ-3Bit
Llama 1 65b3relaxml/Llama-1-65b-E8PRVQ-3Bit
Llama 1 30b3relaxml/Llama-1-30b-E8PRVQ-3Bit
Llama 1 13b3relaxml/Llama-1-13b-E8PRVQ-3Bit
Llama 1 7b3relaxml/Llama-1-7b-E8PRVQ-3Bit
Mistral 7b (non fine-tuned)3relaxml/Mistral-7b-E8PRVQ-3Bit
OpenHermes 2.5 (non fine-tuned)3relaxml/Openhermes-7b-E8PRVQ-3Bit
E8P RVQ 4 BitLlama 2 70b4relaxml/Llama-2-70b-E8PRVQ-4Bit
Llama 2 70b chat4relaxml/Llama-2-70b-chat-E8PRVQ-4Bit
Llama 2 13b4relaxml/Llama-2-13b-E8PRVQ-4Bit
Llama 2 13b chat4relaxml/Llama-2-13b-chat-E8PRVQ-4Bit
Llama 2 7b4relaxml/Llama-2-7b-E8PRVQ-4Bit
Llama 2 7b chat4relaxml/Llama-2-7b-chat-E8PRVQ-4Bit
Llama 1 65b4relaxml/Llama-1-65b-E8PRVQ-4Bit
Llama 1 30b4relaxml/Llama-1-30b-E8PRVQ-4Bit
Llama 1 13b4relaxml/Llama-1-13b-E8PRVQ-4Bit
Llama 1 7b4relaxml/Llama-1-7b-E8PRVQ-4Bit
Mistral 7b (non fine-tuned)4relaxml/Mistral-7b-E8PRVQ-4Bit
OpenHermes 2.5 (non fine-tuned)4relaxml/Openhermes-7b-E8PRVQ-4Bit


Third Party Implementations

https://github.com/chu-tianxiang/QuIP-for-all contains a third party implementation of QuIP#. We have not verified the correctness of the repo, but it seems to work properly and has out of the box integration with other frameworks (vLLM, gpt-fast, etc).


Use of Llama models is governed by the Meta license available here. Use of Mistral models is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. Use of this code is governed by the GNU GPL v3 license.

If you found this work useful, please consider citing

    title={Qu{IP}\${\textbackslash}\#\$: Even Better {LLM} Quantization with Hadamard Incoherence and Lattice Codebooks},
    author={Albert Tseng and Jerry Chee and Qingyao Sun and Volodymyr Kuleshov and Christopher De Sa},
    booktitle={Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning},