


Create a mesos framework with just an application.properties file!


Writing Frameworks for Apache Mesos is hard. We created the Mesos Starter project to reduce the amount of boilerplate.

MesosFramework is a pre-built version of Mesos-Starter, that allows users to run a binary or Docker container as a Framework via a single configuration file.


(Most features come from the Mesos-Starter project)

Added by MesosFramework:

Quick start

Once you have decided upon a binary or Docker container to run, you simply need to call:

docker run -d containersol/mesosframework:latest --spring.config.location=your.application.properties

or if you don't want to use Docker:

java -jar mesosframework-0.0.1.jar --spring.config.location=your.application.properties

Application properties

All options can be specified as either:

To pass a configuration file, the following property must be set:

Valid configration options are specified by the Mesos Starter project.

Please see the examples folder for examples.

You can also provide new options with ${my.option} inside the properties file. Now you can provide that option with --my.option=Hi!

Extensions to the Mesos-starter project

This project adds to the Mesos-starter project on the following points:

Horizontal scaling

It adds an endpoint at the following location to control the number of instances in the cluster. The endpoint matches the properties file definition of the same name:

GET /mesos/resources/count Returns the current number of requested instances. For example to get the current number of instances:

$ curl -s http://localhost:8080/mesos/resources/count

POST /mesos/resources/count with a body of type Integer will set the number of requested instances. For example, to set the number of instances to 1:

$ curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' http://localhost:8080/mesos/resources/count -d 1

## Healthcheck An extra healthchecks to monitor the state of the running tasks is exposed.

GET /health returns the health of the running tasks. If count == running instances the health will be UP. For example:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/health


This project is sponsored by Cisco Cloud Services.


Apache License 2.0