

Das Quadrat Carthage compatible

Das Quadrat is Foursquare API wrapper written in Swift.



Carthage Installation

Install Das Quadrat using the Carthage dependency manager.

github "Constantine-Fry/das-quadrat" >= 1.0


source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'QuadratTouch', '>= 1.0'

Embedded framework (iOS 8.0+)

  1. Add Das Quadrat as a submodule. git submodule add git@github.com:Constantine-Fry/das-quadrat.git
  2. Drag-and-drop Quadrat.xcodeproj into your project. The project has two targets: Quadrat.framework for OSX project, QuadratTouch.framework for iOS projects.
  3. Add new target in "Build Phases" -> "Target Dependencies".
  4. Click the + button at the top left of the panel and choose "New copy files phase".
  1. Add Quadrat framework to this phase.
  2. Here is the image to visualise the result.
  3. Read wiki for details.

You can add source code files directly into your project to support iOS 7.0.


#####Setup session

let client = Client(clientID:       "FOO.................FOO",
   					clientSecret:   "BAR.................BAR",
    				redirectURL:    "testapp123://foursquare")
var configuration = Configuration(client:client)

let session = Session.sharedSession()

#####Search request

var parameters = [Parameter.query:"Burgers"]
parameters += self.location.parameters()
let searchTask = session.venues.search(parameters) {
    (result) -> Void in
    if let response = result.response {
		self.venues = response["venues"] as [JSONParameters]?

#####Multi request

let task1 = self.quadratSession.users.get()
let task2 = self.quadratSession.users.friends(userId: "self", parameters: nil)

let multiTask = self.quadratSession.multi.get([task1, task2]){
	(responses) -> Void in

#####Native authorization

The library will attempt to authorize natively via the actual Foursquare app, if installed. It will switch to the app to authorize, and then switch back to your app on success. Currently, there is no mechanism in place in Foursquare's app to switch back to your app if the user cancels the authorization from there, so the user will need to return to your app manually if they choose to cancel the authorization.

If the Foursquare app is not installed on the user's device, your app will instead present a modal view controller containing a UIWebView that will display a web-based authorization screen instead. This occurs without leaving your app, and can be cancelled to return to the previous screen.

On iOS9 an app must declare which URL scheme it wants to check with canOpenURL:. To enable native authorization with Foursquare app you must add foursquareauth to LSApplicationQueriesSchemes array in info.plist file in your project.


Swift 2.0 / iOS 8.0+ / Mac OS X 10.9+


The BSD 2-Clause License. See License.txt for details.

=========== Bonn, December 2014.