


An Ethereum event listener that bridges your smart contract events and backend microservices. Eventeum listens for specified event emissions from the Ethereum network, and broadcasts these events into your middleware layer. This provides a distinct separation of concerns and means that your microservices do not have to subscribe to events directly to an Ethereum node.







Supported Broadcast Mechanisms

For RabbitMQ, you can configure the following extra values

Eventeum Tutorials

Getting Started

Follow the instructions below in order to run Eventeum on your local machine for development and testing purposes.



  1. After checking out the code, navigate to the root directory
$ cd /path/to/eventeum/
  1. Compile, test and package the project
$ mvn clean package


a. If you have a running instance of MongoDB, Kafka, Zookeeper and an Ethereum node:

Executable JAR:

$ cd server
$ export SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_HOST=<mongodb-host:port>
$ export ETHEREUM_NODE_URL=http://<node-host:port>
$ export ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS=<zookeeper-host:port>
$ export KAFKA_ADDRESSES=<kafka-host:port>
$ export RABBIT_ADDRESSES=<rabbit-host:port>

$ java -jar target/eventeum-server.jar


$ cd server
$ docker build  . -t kauri/eventeum:latest

$ export SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_HOST=<mongodb-host:port>
$ export ETHEREUM_NODE_URL=http://<node-host:port>
$ export ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS=<zookeeper-host:port>
$ export KAFKA_ADDRESSES=<kafka-host:port>
$ export RABBIT_ADDRESSES=<rabbit-host:port>

$ docker run -p 8060:8060 kauri/eventeum

b. If you prefer build an all-in-one test environment with a parity dev node, use docker-compose:

$ cd server
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

SQL Support

Eventeum now supports a SQL database as well as the default MongoDB. To use a SQL database (only SQL Server has currently been tested but others should be supported with the correct config), set the database.type property to SQL and ensure you have all required additional properties in your properties file. See config-examples/application-template-sqlserver.yml for a sample SQLServer configuration.

Upgrading to 0.8.0

When upgrading Eventeum to 0.8.0, changes in the schema are required. In order to perform the migration follow these steps:

  1. Stop all Evnteum instances
  2. Backup your database
  3. Apply the tools/potgres-upgrade-to-v0.8.0.sql sql script. Note that this script is written for Postgres, syntax may differ if using other database system.
  4. Restart Eventeum instances

Configuring Nodes

Listening for events from multiple different nodes is supported in Eventeum, and these nodes can be configured in the properties file.

    - name: default
      url: http://mainnet:8545
    - name: sidechain
      url: wss://sidechain/ws

If an event does not specify a node, then it will be registered against the 'default' node.

That is the simplest node configuration, but there is other custom flags you can activate per node:

This will be an example with a complex configuration:

  - name: default
    url: http://mainnet:8545
    pollInterval: 1000
    maxIdleConnections: 10
    keepAliveDuration: 15000
    connectionTimeout: 7000
    readTimeout: 35000
    healthcheckInterval: 3000
    addTransactionRevertReason: true
    numBlocksToWait: 1
    numBlocksToWaitBeforeInvalidating: 1
    numBlocksToWaitForMissingTx: 1
  blockStrategy: POLL

Registering Events


Eventeum exposes a REST api that can be used to register events that should be subscribed to / broadcast.

	"id": "event-identifier",
	"contractAddress": "0x1fbBeeE6eC2B7B095fE3c5A572551b1e260Af4d2",
	"eventSpecification": {
		"eventName": "TestEvent",
		"indexedParameterDefinitions": [
		  {"position": 0, "type": "UINT256"},
		  {"position": 1, "type": "ADDRESS"}],
		"nonIndexedParameterDefinitions": [
		  {"position": 2, "type": "BYTES32"},
		  {"position": 3, "type": "STRING"}] },
	"correlationIdStrategy": {
		"parameterIndex": 0 }
idStringnoAutogeneratedA unique identifier for the event.
contractAddressStringyesThe address of the smart contract that the address will be emitted from.
eventSpecificationjsonyesThe event specification
correlationIdStrategyjsonnonullDefine a correlation id for the event (only used with the Kafka broadcaster). See the advanced section for details.


eventNameStringyesThe event name within the smart contract
indexedParameterTypesString arraynonullThe array of indexed parameter types for the event.
nonIndexedParameterTypesString arraynonullThe array of non-indexed parameter types for the event.


positionNumberyesThe zero indexed position of the parameter within the event specification
typeStringyesThe type of the event parameter.

Currently supported parameter types: UINT8-256, INT8-256, ADDRESS, BYTES1-32, STRING, BOOL.

Dynamically sized arrays are also supported by suffixing the type with [], e.g. UINT256[].


typeStringyesThe correlation id strategy type.
parameterIndexNumberyesThe parameter index to use within the correlation strategy.
    "id": "event-identifier"

Hard Coded Configuration

Static events can be configured within the application.yml file of Eventeum.

  - id: RequestCreated
    contractAddress: ${CONTRACT_ADDRESS:0x4aecf261541f168bb3ca65fa8ff5012498aac3b8}
      eventName: RequestCreated
        - position: 0
          type: BYTES32
        - position: 1
          type: ADDRESS
        - position: 2
          type: BYTES32
      index: 0

Un-Registering Events


Listing Registered Events


	"id": "event-identifier-1",
	"contractAddress": "0x1fbBeeE6eC2B7B095fE3c5A572551b1e260Af4d2",
	"eventSpecification": {
		"eventName": "TestEvent",
		"indexedParameterDefinitions": [
		  {"position": 0, "type": "UINT256"},
		  {"position": 1, "type": "ADDRESS"}],
		"nonIndexedParameterDefinitions": [
		  {"position": 2, "type": "BYTES32"},
		  {"position": 3, "type": "STRING"}] },
	"correlationIdStrategy": {
		"parameterIndex": 0 }
	"id": "event-identifier-N",
	"contractAddress": "0x1fbBeeE6eC2B7B095fE3c5A572551b1e260Af4d2",
	"eventSpecification": {
		"eventName": "TestEvent",
		"indexedParameterDefinitions": [
		  {"position": 0, "type": "UINT256"},
		  {"position": 1, "type": "ADDRESS"}],
		"nonIndexedParameterDefinitions": [
		  {"position": 2, "type": "BYTES32"},
		  {"position": 3, "type": "STRING"}] },
	"correlationIdStrategy": {
		"parameterIndex": 0 }

Registering a Transaction Monitor

From version 0.6.2, eventeum supports monitoring and broadcasting transactions. The matching criteria can be:

Besides on that, it can monitor the transaction for specific statuses:


To register a transaction monitor, use the below REST endpoint:

An example with type HASH:

	"type": "HASH",
	"transactionIdentifierValue": "0x2e8e0f98be22aa1251584e23f792d43c634744340eb274473e01a48db939f94d",
	"nodeName": "defaultNetwork",
	"statuses": ["FAIlED", "CONFIRMATION"]

Example filtering by FROM_ADDRES, this will notify when a transactions fails with origin the address specified in the field transactionIdentifierValue

	"type": "FROM_ADDRESS" ,
	"transactionIdentifierValue": "0x1fbBeeE6eC2B7B095fE3c5A572551b1e260Af4d2",
	"nodeName": "defaultNetwork",
	"statuses": ["FAIlED"]
typeStringyesThe type of the filter you want to create: HASH, FROM_ADDRESS, TO_ADDRESS
transactionIdentifierValueStringyesThe value associated with the type. It should be the tx hash for HASH and the address of the contract in the other cases.
nodeNameStringyesdefaultThe identifier of the node you want to listen the transaction
statusesListno['FAILED', 'CONFIRMED']It will specify the statuses you want to be notified. The default is failed and confirmed transactions. The options are: FAILED, CONFIRMED, UNCONFIRMED, INVALIDATED
    "id": "transaction-monitor-identifier"

Un-Registering a Transaction Monitor


Broadcast Messages Format

Contract Events

When a subscribed event is emitted, a JSON message is broadcast to the configured kafka topic or rabbit exchange (contract-events by default), with the following format:


Block Events

When a new block is mined, a JSON message is broadcast to the configured kafka topic or rabbit exchange (block-events by default), with the following format:


Transaction Events

When a new transaction that matches a transaction monitor is mined, a JSON message is broadcast to the configured kafka topic or rabbit exchange (transaction-events by default), with the following format:


Contract Creation Transaction

If the transaction is a contract creation transaction, then the contractAddress value will be set to the address of the newly deployed smart contract.

Transaction Event Statuses

A broadcast transaction event can have the following statuses:

UNCONFIRMEDTransaction has been mined and we're now waiting for the configured number of blocks
CONFIRMEDThe configured number of blocks have been mined since the transaction has been mined
INVALIDATEDThe blockchain has forked since the initially broadcast UNCONFIRMED transaction was broadcast
FAILEDThe transaction has been mined but the tx execution failed


Eventeum can either be configured by:

  1. storing an application.yml next to the built JAR (copy one from config-examples). This overlays the defaults from server/src/main/resources/application.yml.
  2. Setting the associated environment variables.
Env VariableDefaultDescription
SERVER_PORT8060The port for the eventeum instance.
ETHEREUM_BLOCKSTRATEGYPOLLThe strategy for obtaining block events from an ethereum node (POLL or PUBSUB). It will be overwritten by the specific node configuration.
ETHEREUM_NODE_URLhttp://localhost:8545The default ethereum node url.
ETHEREUM_NODE_BLOCKSTRATEGYPOLLThe strategy for obtaining block events for the ethereum node (POLL or PUBSUB).
ETHEREUM_NODE_HEALTHCHECK_POLLINTERVAL2000The interval time in ms, in which a request is made to the ethereum node, to ensure that the node is running and functional.
ETHEREUM_NODE_ADD_TRANSACTION_REVERT_REASONfalseIn case of a failing transaction it indicates if Eventeum should get the revert reason. Currently not working for Ganache and Parity.
ETHEREUM_NUMBLOCKSTOREPLAY12Number of blocks to replay on node or service failure (ensures no blocks / events are missed on chain reorg)
POLLING_INTERVAL10000The polling interval used by Web3j to get events from the blockchain.
EVENTSTORE_TYPEDBThe type of eventstore used in Eventeum. (See the Advanced section for more details)
BROADCASTER_TYPEKAFKAThe broadcast mechanism to use. (KAFKA or HTTP or RABBIT)
BROADCASTER_CACHE_EXPIRATIONMILLIS6000000The eventeum broadcaster has an internal cache of sent messages, which ensures that duplicate messages are not broadcast. This is the time that a message should live within this cache.
BROADCASTER_EVENT_CONFIRMATION_NUMBLOCKSTOWAIT12The number of blocks to wait (after the initial mined block) before broadcasting a CONFIRMED event
BROADCASTER_EVENT_CONFIRMATION_NUMBLOCKSTOWAITFORMISSINGTX200After a fork, a transaction may disappear, and this is the number of blocks to wait on the new fork, before assuming that an event emitted during this transaction has been INVALIDATED
BROADCASTER_EVENT_CONFIRMATION_NUMBLOCKSTOWAITBEFOREINVALIDATING2Number of blocks to wait before considering a block as invalid.
BROADCASTER_MULTIINSTANCEfalseIf multiple instances of eventeum are to be deployed in your system, this should be set to true so that the eventeum communicates added/removed filters to other instances, via kafka.
BROADCASTER_HTTP CONTRACTEVENTSURLThe http url for posting contract events (for HTTP broadcasting)
BROADCASTER_HTTP BLOCKEVENTSURLThe http url for posting block events (for HTTP broadcasting)
BROADCASTER_BYTESTOASCIIfalseIf any bytes values within events should be converted to ascii (default is hex)
BROADCASTER_ENABLE_BLOCK_NOTIFICATIONtrueBoolean that indicates if want to receive block notifications or not. Set false to not receive that event.
ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESSlocalhost:2181The zookeeper address
KAFKA_ADDRESSESlocalhost:9092Comma seperated list of kafka addresses
KAFKA_TOPIC_CONTRACT_EVENTScontract-eventsThe topic name for broadcast contract event messages
KAFKA_TOPIC_BLOCK_EVENTSblock-eventsThe topic name for broadcast block event messages
KAFKA_TOPIC_TRANSACTION_EVENTStransaction-eventsThe topic name for broadcast trasaction messages
KAFKA_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS20000The duration after which a request timeouts
KAFKA_ENDPOINT_IDENTIFICATION_ALGORITHMnullThe endpoint identification algorithm to validate server hostname using server certificate
KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISMPLAINThe mechanism used for SASL authentication
KAFKA_USERNAME""The username used to connect to a SASL secured Kafka cluster
KAFKA_PASSWORD""The password used to connect to a SASL secured Kafka cluster
KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOLPLAINTEXTProtocol used to communicate with Kafka brokers
KAFKA_RETRIES10The number of times a Kafka consumer will try to publish a message before throwing an error
KAFKA_RETRY_BACKOFF_MS500The duration between each retry
KEEP_ALIVE_DURATION15000Rpc http idle threads keep alive timeout in ms
MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS10The max number of HTTP rpc idle threads at the pool
SYNCINC_THRESHOLD60Number of blocks of difference to consider that eventeum is "syncing" with a node
SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_HOSTlocalhostThe mongoDB host (used when event store is set to DB)
SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_PORT27017The mongoDB post (used when event store is set to DB)
RABBIT_ADDRESSlocalhost:5672property spring.rabbitmq.host (The rabbitmq address)
RABBIT_EXCHANGEThisIsAExchangeproperty rabbitmq.exchange
RABBIT_ROUTING_KEYthisIsRoutingKeyproperty rabbitmq.routingKeyPrefix
DATABASE_TYPEMONGOThe database to use. Either MONGO or SQL.
CONNECTION_TIMEOUT7000RPC, http connection timeout in millis
READ_TIMEOUT35000RPC, http read timeout in millis

INFURA Support Configuration

Connecting to an INFURA node is only supported if connecting via websockets (wss://<...> node url). The blockstrategy must also be set to PUBSUB.


Correlation Id Strategies (Kafka Broadcasting)

Each subscribed event can have a correlation id strategy association with it, during subscription. A correlation id strategy defines what the kafka message key for a broadcast event should be, and allows the system to be configured so that events with particular parameter values are always sent to the same partition.

Currently supported correlation id strategies are:

Indexed Parameter Strategy - An indexed parameter within the event is used as the message key when broadcasting. Non Indexed Parameter Strategy - An non-indexed parameter within the event is used as the message key when broadcasting.

Event Store

Eventeum utilises an event store in order to establish the block number to start event subscriptions from, in the event of a failover. For example, if the last event broadcast for event with id X had a block number of 123, then on a failover, eventeum will subscribe to events from block 124.

There are currently 2 supported event store implementations:


Broadcast events are saved and retrieved from a mongoDB database.

Required Configuration

Env VariableDefaultDescription
EVENTSTORE_TYPEDBMongoDB event store enabled
SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_HOSTlocalhostThe mongoDB host

REST Service

Eventeum polls an external REST service in order to obtain a list of events broadcast for a specific event specification. It is assumed that this REST service listens for broadcast events on the kafka topic and updates its internal state...broadcast events are not directly sent to the REST service by eventeum.

The implemented REST service should have a pageable endpoint which accepts a request with the following specification:

pageThe page number
sizeThe page size
sortThe results sort field
dirThe results sort direction
signatureRetrieve events with the specified event signature
		{"blockNumber":10,"id":<unique event id>}],

Required Configuration

Env VariableDefaultDescription
EVENTSTORE_URLhttp://localhost:8081/api/rest/v1The REST endpoint url
EVENTSTORE_EVENTPATH/eventThe path to the event REST endpoint

Integrating Eventeum into Third Party Spring Application

Eventeum can be embedded into an existing Spring Application via an annotation.

Steps to Embed

  1. Add the Eventeum Artifactory repository into your pom.xml file:
  1. Add the eventeum-core dependency to your pom.xml file:
  1. Within your Application class or a @Configuration annotated class, add the @EnableEventeum annotation.

Health check endpoint

Eventeum offers a healthcheck url where you can ask for the status of the systems you are using. It will look like:


Returning this information it is very easy to create alerts over the status of the system.

The endpoint is: GET /monitoring/health

Metrics: Prometheus

Eventeum includes a prometheus metrics export endpoint.

It includes standard jvm, tomcat metrics enabled by spring-boot https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/production-ready-features.html#production-ready-metrics-export-prometheus https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/production-ready-features.html#production-ready-metrics-meter.

Added to the standard metrics, custom metrics have been added:

All metrics include application="Eventeum",environment="local" tags.

The endpoint is: GET /monitoring/prometheus

Known Caveats / Issues