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.NET MAUI Community Toolkit

The .NET MAUI Community Toolkit is a collection of common elements for development with .NET MAUI that developers tend to replicate across multiple apps. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks when building apps with .NET MAUI.

All features are contributed by you, our amazing .NET community, and maintained by a core set of maintainers.

And – the best part – the features you add to the .NET MAUI Toolkit may one day be included into the official .NET MAUI library! We leverage the Community Toolkits to debut new features and work closely with the .NET MAUI engineering team to nominate features for promotion.


<a href="https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/communitytoolkit/maui/get-started?tabs=CommunityToolkitMaui"><img width="200" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13558917/232885041-35b62d65-26d3-44a7-a525-5239ac811498.png"></a>

All of the documentation for CommunityToolkit.Maui can be found here on Microsoft Learn:


Getting Started

In order to use the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit you need to call the extension method in your MauiProgram.cs file as follows:

using CommunityToolkit.Maui;

public static class MauiProgram
	public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
		var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
			// Initialize the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit by adding the below line of code
			// After initializing the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit, optionally add additional fonts
			.ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
				fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
				fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");

		// Continue initializing your .NET MAUI App here

		return builder.Build();

XAML usage

In order to make use of the toolkit within XAML you can use this namespace:


Roadmap / Plan

All work carried out on the toolkit is done so by the community and the core maintainers in our spare time on nights and weekends. Due to this reason we do not have a concrete plan on when features will be added and delivered. What we do have is a list of proposals and a Project board which summarises they states. Please feel free to check them out and jump in to providing any assistance that you feel you can.

Submitting A New Feature

New features will follow the below workflow, described in more detail in the steps below

New Feature Workflow

1. Discussion Started

Debate pertaining to new Maui Toolkit features takes place in the form of Discussions in this repo.

If you want to suggest a feature, discuss current design notes or proposals, etc., please open a new Discussion topic.

Discussions that are short and stay on topic are much more likely to be read. If you leave comment number fifty, chances are that only a few people will read it. To make discussions easier to navigate and benefit from, please observe a few rules of thumb:

2. Proposal Submitted

Once you have a fully fleshed out proposal describing a new feature in syntactic and semantic detail, please open an issue for it, and it will be labeled as a Proposal. The comment thread on the issue can be used to hash out or briefly discuss details of the proposal, as well as pros and cons of adopting it into the .NET MAUI Toolkit. If an issue does not meet the bar of being a full proposal, we may move it to a discussion, so that it can be further matured. Specific open issues or more expansive discussion with a proposal will often warrant opening a side discussion rather than cluttering the comment section on the issue.

3. Proposal Championed

When a member of the .NET MAUI Toolkit core team finds that a proposal merits promotion into the Toolkit, they can Champion it, which means that they will bring it to the monthly .NET MAUI Toolkit Community Standup.

4. Proposal Approved

The .NET MAUI Toolkit core team will collectively vote to work on adopting and/or modifying the proposal, requiring a majority approval (i.e. greater than 50%) to be added to the Toolkit.

Once a Proposal has been championed and has received a majority approval from the .NET MAUI Toolkit core team, a Pull Request can be opened.

5. Pull Request Approved

After a Pull Request has been submitted, it will be reviewed and approved by the Proposal Champion.

Every new feature also requires an associated sample to be added to the .NET MAUI Toolkit Sample app.

6. Documentation Complete

Before a Pull Request can be merged into the .NET MAUI Toolkit, the Pull Request Author must also submit the documentation to documentation repository.

7. Completed

Once a Pull Request has been reviewed + approved AND the documentation has been written, submitted and approved, the new feature will be merged adding it to the .NET MAUI Toolkit

Code of Conduct

As a part of the .NET Foundation, we have adopted the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct. Please familiarize yourself with that before participating with this repository. Thanks!

.NET Foundation

This project is supported by the .NET Foundation.