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🦊 MiAuth.js

the wrapper for MiAuth on Deno/Node.js

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Note for node.js example, coming soon...:sparkles:

🚀 How to use

// See example.ts

import { MiAuth, UrlParam, Permissions  } from "./mod.ts"

const origin = "https://misskey.io"
const permission = [Permissions.AccountRead]

const session = crypto.randomUUID();

const param: UrlParam = {
  name: "MyApp",
  permission: permission
const miauth = new MiAuth(origin, param, session)

// access to the this url, do authentication

// call when done authentication
// console.log(await miauth.getToken())

This module keeps in mind on alignment with misskey.js. like this

// this snippets omit module imports
const origin = "https://misskey.io"
const permission: Array<string> = [Permissions.AccountRead]

const param: UrlParam = {
  name: "MyApp",
  permission: permission

const miauth = quickAuth(origin, param)

console.log("Let's authentication to this URL✨\n", miauth.authUrl())

// wait for press enter
console.log("\n☕ Push enter for restart process")
for await (const line of readLines(Deno.stdin)) {
  if ( line == "" ) {

const token = await miauth.getToken()

const cli = new Misskey.api.APIClient({
	origin: origin,
	credential: token,

const i = await cli.request('i', {});

console.log(`Show your profile\n${i.name}@${i.username}\n${i.description}`)

⬇️ Install

import { MiAuth, UrlParam, Permissions  } from "./mod.ts"

const origin = "https://misskey.io"
const permission: Array<string> = [Permissions.AccountRead, Permissions.NotesRead]

const param: UrlParam = {
  name: "MyApp",
  permission: permission

const miauth = new MiAuth(origin, param, session)
const token = miauth.getToken()

const apiParam = {
  origin: origin,
  credential: token
const cli = new Misskey.api.APIClient(apiParam);

const meta = await cli.request('meta', { detail: true });

⛏️ Development

this project use velociraptor

# See all task

# use deno vender
deno vender mod.ts

# running on vender
vr dev

# run testing
vr dev-test

📜 License



🧩 Modules

💕 Special Thanks