

Detecting and Simulating Artifacts in GAN Fake Images

##Introduction To detect GAN generated images, conventional supervised machine learning algorithms require collection of a number of real and fake images from the targeted GAN model. However, the specific model used by the attacker is often unavailable.

To address this, we propose a GAN simulator, AutoGAN, which can simulate the artifacts produced by the common pipeline shared by several popular GAN models.

<p align="center"> <img src="./fig/AutoGAN.png" width="500"> </p> <p align="center"> AutoGAN Pipeline </p>

Additionally, we identify a unique artifact caused by the up-sampling component included in the common GAN pipeline. We show theoretically such artifacts are manifested as replications of spectra in the frequency domain and thus propose a classifier model based on the spectrum input, rather than the pixel input.

<p align="center"> <img src="./fig/checkerboard.png" width="500"> </p> <p align="center"> Upsampling artifacts in StarGAN image </p>

By using the simulated images to train a spectrum based classifier, even without seeing the fake images produced by the targeted GAN model during training, our approach achieves state-of-the-art performances on detecting fake images generated by popular GAN models such as CycleGAN.

<p align="center"> <img src="./fig/AutoGAN_Image.png" width="500"> </p> <p align="center"> Upsampling artifacts in AutoGAN image </p>

This code is the training and evaluation code for our WIFS 2019 paper (arxiv).

@inproceedings{zhang2019detecting,<br /> title={Detecting and Simulating Artifacts in GAN Fake Images},<br /> author={Zhang, Xu and Karaman, Svebor and Chang, Shih-Fu},<br /> booktitle={WIFS},<br /> year={2019}<br /> }


Make a full clone to make sure cloning all the submodules.

git clone --recursive https://github.com/ColumbiaDVMM/AutoGAN.git

My current conda environment is attached as AutoGAN.yml

Data Preparation

Download cycleGAN image data.

# From project directory
cd autogan
python datasets/prepare_data.py

Download cycleGAN model using the script from cycleGAN download_cyclegan_model.sh.

# From project directory
cd autogan
./scripts/download_cyclegan_model.sh ***

Run cycleGAN to get all cycleGAN synthesized images.

# From project directory
cd autogan
python run_test.py --dataset CycleGAN

AutoGAN Extra Preparation:

Train all autoGAN models (this may take 2-3 days):

# From project directory
cd autogan
python run_training.py

To train cityscapes and maps models, change make trainB directory under datasets/cityscapes or datasets/maps with any jpg images. Remove it once training is done. Once training is done, change all the autogan models' name in ./autogan/checkpoints/{category}_auto/latest_net_G_A.pth to ./autogan/checkpoints/{category}_auto/latest_net_G.pth

Pretrained model can be downloaded from Google Drive. Unzip to ./autogan/checkpoints/

Run autoGAN to get all autoGAN synthesized images.

# From project directory
cd autogan
python run_test.py --dataset AutoGAN

Leave-One-Out Extra Preparation (Optional):

# From project directory
cd autogan/datasets
python get_fold_information.py 

Training and Test GAN Detection Classifier


The easiest way to train the classifier on all 13 semantic categories (You may change the code to run with less categories) is

# From project directory
python run_training.py --dataset=CycleGAN --feature=fft --gpu-id=0

Code create three directories

The code indeed call GAN_Detection_Train.py. The code gives more options for training the classifier. Run the following code for more information.

# From project directory
python GAN_Detection_Train.py -h


The easiest way to train the classifier on all 13 semantic categories (You may change the code to run with less categories) is

# From project directory
python run_test.py --dataset=CycleGAN --feature=fft ```
  - `--dataset`: Training dataset, choose from CycleGAN or AutoGAN.
  - `--feature`: choose from image and fft for image feature or spectrum feature

Code create 1 directories

The code indeed call GAN_Detection_Test.py. The code gives more options for training the classifier. Run the following code for more information.

# From project directory
python GAN_Detection_Test.py -h