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Surfacing Semantic Data from Clinical Notes in Electronic Health Records for Tailored Care, Trial Recruitment and Clinical Research



Built upon off-the-shelf toolkits including a Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline (Bio-Yodie) and an enterprise search system (CogStack), SemEHR implements a generic information extraction (IE) and retrieval infrastructure by identifying contextualised mentions of a wide range of biomedical concepts from unstructured clinical notes. Its IE functionality features an adaptive and iterative NLP mechanism where specific requirements and fine-tuning can be fulfilled and realised on a study basis. NLP annotations are further assembled at patient level and extended with clinical and EHR-specific knowledge to populate a panorama for each patient, which comprises a) longitudinal semantic data views and b) structured medical profile(s). The semantic data is serviced via ontology-based search and analytics interfaces to facilitate clinical studies.

System Achitecture

With SemEHR, the clinical variables hidden in clinical notes are surfaced via a set of search interfaces. A typical process to answer a clinical question (e.g. patients with hepatitis c), which previously might involve NLP, turns into one or a few google-style searches, for which SemEHR will pull out the cohort of relevant patients, populate patient-level summaries - numbers of contextualised concept mentions (e.g. 2nd patient has 16 total mentions of the disease, 15 of them were positive and 1 was historical), and link each mention to its original clinical note.


SemEHR: surfacing semantic data from clinical notes in electronic health records for tailored care, trial recruitment, and clinical research. Honghan Wu, Giulia Toti, Katherine I Morley, Zina Ibrahim, Amos Folarin, Ismail Kartoglu, Richard Jackson, Asha Agrawal, Clive Stringer, Darren Gale, Genevieve M Gorrell, Angus Roberts, Matthew Broadbent, Robert Stewart, Richard J B Dobson. The Lancet , Volume 390 , S97. 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)33032-5

SemEHR: A General-purpose Semantic Search System to Surface Semantic Data from Clinical Notes for Tailored Care, Trial Recruitment and Clinical Research. Honghan Wu, Giulia Toti, Katherine I Morley, Zina Ibrahim, Amos Folarin, Ismail Kartoglu, Richard Jackson, Asha Agrawal, Clive Stringer, Darren Gale, Genevieve M Gorrell, Angus Roberts, Matthew Broadbent, Robert Stewart, Richard J B Dobson.Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2017. 10.1093/jamia/ocx160


Email Honghan Wu (honghan.wu@gmail.com)