

Red - A multifunction Discord bot

Fun bringer, admin helper and music bot

<img align="right" title="Art by Supergiant Games" src="https://www.supergiantgames.com/static/images/transistor/cartoon_red.png">

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## [This version is obsolete and no longer being supported. Use the current one]

Cool title, but what does it do exactly?

A bit of everything. Seriously though:
It has the most common features of many chatbots (!flip, !8, stopwatch, etc.), custom commands (inspired by Twitch's Nightbot), memes.
It features some games such as Trivia, rock paper scissors, users can earn and play with credits in the slot machine.
The audio part is quite fleshed out. Users can stream youtube videos, create playlists that everyone will be able to play and control (previous/next song, pause/resume, shuffle...).
MP3 and flac files can also be streamed (see FAQ for details on local playlists)
Twitch's online notifications: Red will notify the channels you want whenever you favorite Twitch streamers are online.
As for the moderation tools, it includes a powerful message filter with regular expression capabilities and mass messages cleanup.
I'm planning to expand all this much more.
See the command list for an even better idea of what this bot can do.

I don't even know what I'm looking at. How do I install this?

Do not panic. Enter the wiki and follow the tutorials!
If you have any issue, consult the troubleshooting page, and if you're still stuck, join the official server so you can get some help. Once you're done, take a look at the command list and have fun.

General commands

!flipFlip a coin
!rps [rock/paper/scissors]Play RPS
!proverbRandom proverb
!choose [option1 or option2 or option3 (...)]Random choice. Supports multiple words
!8 [question?]Ask 8 ball a question
!swStart/stop the stopwatch
!triviaTrivia help and lists
!trivia [list]Start a trivia session
!trivia stopStop a trivia session
!twitch [stream]Check if stream is online
!twitchalert [stream]Red sends an alert in the channel when the stream is online (admin only)
!stoptwitchalert [stream]Stop stream alerts (admin only)
!roll [number]Random number between 0 and chosen number.
!gif [text]GIF search
!imdb [movie/etc]Retrieve information from IMDB
!meme [id;text1;text2]Create a meme
!poll [question;answer1;answer2 (...)]Start poll in the current channel
!endpollStop poll
!addcom [command] [text]Add a custom command
!editcom [command] [text]Edit a custom command
!delcom [command]Delete a custom command
!customcommandsCustom commands' list
!helpCommand list
!audio helpAudio command list and playlist explanation.
!economyExplanation of the economy module
!admin helpAdmin commands list
!meme helpExplanation of !meme

Audio commands

!youtube [link]Play a youtube video in a voice channel
!singMake Red sing
!stopStop any voice channel activity
!play [playlist_name]Play chosen playlist
!playlistsPlaylist's list
!next or !skipNext song
!prevPrevious song
!pausePause song
!resumeResume song
!replay or !repeatReplay current song
!title or !songCurrent song's title + link
!shuffleMix current playlist
!volume [0-1]Sets Red's output volume
!addplaylist [name] [link]Add a youtube playlist
!delplaylist [name]Delete a youtube playlist. Limited to author and admins
!getplaylistGet the current playlist through DM. This also works with favorites
!addfavoriteAdd song to your favorites
!delfavoriteRemove song from your favorites
!playfavoritesPlay your favorites
!local [playlist_name]Play chosen local playlist
!local or !locallistLocal playlists' list
!downloadmodeEnables or disables download mode. (admin only)

Admin commands

!addwords [word1 word2 (...)] [phrase/with/many/words]Add words to message filter
!removewords [word1 word2 (...)] [phrase/with/many/words]Remove words from message filter
!addregex [regex]Add regular expression to message filter
!removeregex [regex]Remove regular expression from message filter
!shutdownClose the bot
!join [invite]Join another server
!leaveserverLeave server
!shushIgnore the current channel
!talkStop ignoring the current channel
!reloadReload most files. Useful in case of manual edits
!name [name]Change the bot's name
!cleanup [number]Delete the last [number] messages
!cleanup [name/mention] [number]Delete the last [number] of messages by [name]
!blacklist [name/mention]Add user to blacklist. Red will ignore that user
!forgive [name/mention]Remove user from blacklist
!setting [setting] [value]Modify setting

Economy commands

!registerRegister a new account
!balanceCheck your balance
!slot [bid]Play the slot machine
!slot helpSlot machine explanation and payouts
!paydayReceive credits


I've done everything the README asked me to and it still doesn't work! Were you drunk when you coded this?

You're probably missing something.
Feel free to join my server and head to #support to get some help! Oh, and my drinking habits are none of your business.

Does this bot work on multiple servers?

Sure it does. Should you do it? Maybe. The permissions system is not that great at the moment but if you trust the people running the server it's ok. It's not advisable to send the bot in random servers at the moment.
Custom commands only work in the server they were created in. Same for the message filter. This is by design. Also, remember that the bot can only be in one voice channel at once.

Will you implement [feature]?

Suggestions are always very welcome.

How do local playlists work?

Make as many folders as you want inside the localtracks folder. Names must be without spaces. Every folder counts as a different playlist. Every playlist can contain mp3 and flac files. Users can stream them by doing !local [playlist_name] and see the full list with !local or !locallist. They can also add tracks to their favorites.

What's download mode?

Everytime you play the audio of a youtube video with download mode on the audio will be first downloaded and stored into the "cache" folder. It is recommended that you use this mode to avoid streaming problems. This is the default mode, you can switch between modes with !downloadmode.

Why is this bot called Red and the admin role "Transistor"? What's the meaning of !sing?

They're all references to Transistor, a videogame by Supergiant Games.