


This is a project we are building our Twitch channel https://twitch.tv/CodingAfterWork.
This page will help you as a conference speaker, attendee or organizer to find your next conference.


This site contains an aggregation of many different sources for call for paper like Sessionize, Papercall.io, Confs.Tech, Joind.in It will help you as a speaker to not submit to different conferences that take place the same time (ask us how we know this is a problem). It not only aggregates information but also adds more information on top like weather forecasts.


As an attendee it will help you to find your next tech event based on location, date, and technology


As an organizer, we will help you with finding a good date to organize your event. Perhaps you are looking for a time slot when no other conferences are happening, or you might look for a time when close to when another conference is happening close by and work with that conference.