

[!NOTE] Experience Navita, a better choice for directory navigation than SmartCd.

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A cd command with improved and extended usability features to quickly navigate your Linux filesystem.

FeaturesRequirementsInstallationConfigurationsOther InfoKnown Caveats



Other Features

Why SmartCd

Initially, I tried enhancd which is a very good alternative for the inbuilt cd command, but the features of enhancd were more than enough for me and also I had to change my familiarity and regular habit with using some of the default options or arguments that are often used with the inbuilt cd command, just to familiarize and adapt with the tool.

I started by making smartcd remember the last 20 unique visited paths using the -- option. I wanted to keep cd as close to its native implementation, and at the same time increase its usability. The -- option with the cd command was of no particular use to me, so I just provided an extra functionality to that option.


Tested on Zsh & Bash.

Optional requirements but recommended


Manual Installation

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/CodesOfRishi/smartcd.git
  2. Source the smartcd.sh script in your shell configuration file (.bashrc and/or .zshrc).

    source path/to/smartcd/smartcd.sh

    Where path/to/smartcd/smartcd.sh is the path to the smartcd.sh script in the smartcd repository.

  3. Open a new shell or reload your shell configuration file.


  1. Add the below code in your .zshrc (.bashrc).

    zinit ice depth=1
    zinit light "CodesOfRishi/smartcd"
  2. Open a new shell or reload your shell configuration file.


  1. Add the plugin to Sheldon config file.

    sheldon add smartcd --github CodesOfRishi/smartcd
  2. Open a new shell or reload your shell configuration file.


<details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_CONFIG_DIR</code></strong></summary> <code>smartcd</code> stores logs in this location, which defaults to <code>~/.config/.smartcd</code>. To change location of the log file, export <code>SMARTCD_CONFIG_DIR</code> with your desired location. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_SELECT_ONE</code></strong></summary> If only 1 matching path is found and if the env is set to <ul> <li><code>1</code> then <code>smartcd</code> will directly traverse to the only matched directory path.</li> <li><code>0</code> then <code>smartcd</code> will bring the interactive <code>fzf</code> filter before travering to the path.</li> </ul> This defaults to <code>0</code>. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_EXACT_SEARCH</code></strong></summary> Export the env as <code>1</code> to perform exact fzf search always. This defaults to <code>0</code>. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_FZF_PREVIEW_CMD</code></strong></summary> Command (with options) to use with current line as argument from the <code>fzf</code> filter to show its result in <code>fzf</code>'s split/preview window. <ul> <li>For <code>exa</code>, it defaults to <code>exa -TaF -I '.git' --icons --group-directories-first --git-ignore --colour=always</code>.</li> <li>For <Code>tree</Code>, it defaults to <Code>tree -I '.git' -C -a</Code>.</li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_HIST_DIR_LOG_SIZE</code></strong></summary> Set number of unique recently visited directory paths <code>smartcd</code> should remember. This defaults to 50. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_COMMAND</code></strong></summary> To use a custom command name for using smartcd, export <code>SMARTCD_COMMAND</code> env with your desired command name. This defaults to <code>cd</code>. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_FINDER</code></strong></summary> To manually configure either to use <code>find</code> or <code>fd</code>/<code>fdfind</code> command. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_GREP</code></strong></summary> To manually configure either to use <code>rg</code> or <code>grep</code> command. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_BASE_PATHS</code></strong></summary> <ul> <li>An array which stores multiple base directory paths. You can add multiple base directory paths to the array & the 1st element of the array will always be used as base.</li> <li>For e.g., you can configure the array as: <p>
</p> <li>It defaults to <code>( "${HOME}" )</code>.</li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_BASE_DIR_KEYBIND</code></strong></summary> <ul> <li>User can use <code>CTRL-k</code> (default) keystroke to fuzzy search & select to change the base directory to use (for the current shell) from the <code>SMARTCD_BASE_PATHS</code> array.</li> <li>This defaults to <code>\\C-k</code>, i.e., <code>CTRL-k</code></li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_BASE_DIR_OPT</code></strong></summary> To use a different option for searching & traversing w.r.t. a particular base directory, export <code>SMARTCD_BASE_DIR_OPT</code> with your desired options with <i>spaces</i>. SmartCd will validate only the first 2 options provided in the env. This defaults to <code>"-b --base"</code>. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_PARENT_DIR_OPT</code></strong></summary> To use a different option name for searching & traversing to parent-directories, export <code>SMARTCD_PARENT_DIR_OPT</code> with your desired option. This defaults to <code>..</code>. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_HIST_DIR_OPT</code></strong></summary> To use a different option name for searching & traversing to recently visited directories, export <code>SMARTCD_HIST_DIR_OPT</code> with your desired option. This defaults to <code>--</code>. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_LAST_DIR_OPT</code></strong></summary> To use a different option for traversing to last visited working directory, export <code>SMARTCD_LAST_DIR_OPT</code> with your desired option. This defaults to <code>-</code>. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_GIT_ROOT_OPT</code></strong></summary> To use a different option name for traversing to root of a git repository, export <code>SMARTCD_GIT_ROOT_OPT</code> with your desired option. This defaults to <code>.</code>. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_CLEAN_LOG_OPT</code></strong></summary> To use a different option name for removing invalid paths from log, export <code>SMARTCD_CLEAN_LOG_OPT</code> with your desired options with <i>spaces</i>. SmartCd will validate only the first 2 options provided in the env. This defaults to <code>"-c --clean"</code>. </details> <details> <summary><strong><code>SMARTCD_VERSION_OPT</code></strong></summary> To use a different option name to print version information, export <code>SMARTCD_VERSION_OPT</code> with your desired options with <i>spaces</i>. SmartCd will validate only the first 2 options provided in the env. This defaults to <code>"-v --version"</code>. </details>

Other Info

What if the user configures the same options for multiple features?

SmartCd gives priority in the following order:<br>


Known Caveats




The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2021 Rishi K.