

C# Bootstrap (base / project skeleton)

CodelyTV Workflow Status


This is a repository intended to help you create all the boilerplate to just have a test and library projects in C#. It could be useful if you want to start from scratch a kata or a little exercise or project.

This template will create:


How To Start

Use the Template

You have two main ways of starting a project from this template:

While first is easier from GitHub interface, second one allow you to have a local way of creating as many projects you want with this structure just by installing the template the first time.

Working with the workspace

  1. Install pre-commit hooks with: pre-commit install --install-hooks -t pre-commit -t commit-msg
  2. Build the project: dotnet build
  3. Run tests: dotnet test.
  4. Start coding!


This hopefully helpful utility has been developed by CodelyTV and contributors.

We'll try to maintain this project as simple as possible, but Pull Requests are welcomed!

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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.