


white tyedev logo black tyedev logo

Create and manage devcontainer configuration.


The preferred method is to use cargo binstall.

$ cargo binstall tyedev

Alternatively, download the appropiate release asset. Then extract and copy as needed.

$ shasum --check tyedev-*.sha256
$ tar -xzf tyedev-*.tar.gz
$ cp tyedev-*/tyedev ~/.local/bin

The last method is to use the Github CLI with the redraw/gh-install extension.

$ gh ext install redraw/gh-install
$ gh install CodeMan99/tyedev


Use --help to see help on input flags.

$ tyedev --help
Create and manage devcontainer configuration

Usage: tyedev [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  completions  Generate shell auto-complete configuration
  init         Create new devcontainer
  inspect      Display details of a specific feature, template, or collection
  list         Overview of collections
  search       Text search the `id`, `keywords`, and `description` fields of templates or features
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -p, --pull-index  Pull the index of features & templates
  -v, --verbose...  More output per occurrence
  -q, --quiet...    Less output per occurrence
  -h, --help        Print help
  -V, --version     Print version

All of the commands depend on a local copy of the generated collection index.

$ tyedev --pull-index --verbose
[2023-11-23T15:28:33.056Z INFO  tyedev] Saved to /home/vscode/.local/share/tyedev/devcontainer-index.json


The tyedev application is organized into sub-commands.

tyedev init

Use to start a new project. Provide no arguments for the default interactive experience.

$ tyedev init --help
Create new devcontainer

Usage: tyedev init [OPTIONS]

  -z, --non-interactive               Avoid interactive prompts
  -s, --attempt-single-file           Write to ".devcontainer.json" when using an `image` type template
  -v, --verbose...                    More output per occurrence
  -q, --quiet...                      Less output per occurrence
  -r, --remove-comments               Strip comments from the generated devcontainer.json
  -t, --template-id <OCI_REF>         Reference to a Template in a supported OCI registry
  -f, --include-features <OCI_REF>    Add the given features, may specify more than once
      --include-deprecated            Include deprecated results when searching
  -w, --workspace-folder <DIRECTORY>  Target workspace for the devcontainer configuration
  -h, --help                          Print help

Note that --remove-comments is not yet actually supported. A better jsonc library would be helpful. May need to write my own.

tyedev inspect

Describe all details of a specific template or feature. Use as an aid when editing an existing devcontainer.json.

$ tyedev inspect --help
Display details of a specific feature, template, or collection

Usage: tyedev inspect [OPTIONS] <OCI_REF>

  <OCI_REF>  The `id` to inspect

  -d, --display-as <FORMAT>  Format for displaying the configuration [default: table] [possible values:
                             table, json, none]
      --install-sh           Read the `install.sh` script of a given feature
  -v, --verbose...           More output per occurrence
  -q, --quiet...             Less output per occurrence
      --show-files           List the filenames of a given feature or template
  -h, --help                 Print help

The --show-files option exists to assist authors with debugging a missing file problem.

The --install-sh option exists for debugging container creation failures.

tyedev list

List collections overview. Akin to containers.dev/collections.

$ tyedev list --help
Overview of collections

Usage: tyedev list [OPTIONS]

  -C, --collection-id <OCI_REF>  Display a given collection, including features and templates
  -v, --verbose...               More output per occurrence
  -q, --quiet...                 Less output per occurrence
  -h, --help                     Print help

With --collection-id option display all features or templates for the given collection.

$ tyedev list -q -C ghcr.io/codeman99/features
Name:          Features by CodeMan99
Maintainer:    Cody Taylor
Contact:       https://github.com/CodeMan99/features/issues
Repository:    https://github.com/CodeMan99/features
OCI Reference: ghcr.io/codeman99/features
│   │ Type    │ OCI Reference  │ Name         │ Description                                               │
│ 1 │ feature │ ~/circleci-cli │ CircleCI CLI │ Install the CircleCI CLI. Also installs the CircleCI ext+ │
│ 2 │ feature │ ~/exercism-cli │ Exercism CLI │ Install the exercism-cli.                                 │

tyedev search

Find a template or feature.

$ tyedev search --help
Text search the `id`, `keywords`, and `description` fields of templates or features

Usage: tyedev search [OPTIONS] <VALUE>

  <VALUE>  The keyword(s) to match

  -c, --collection <COLLECTION>  Match which section of the index [default: templates] [possible values:
                                 templates, features]
  -d, --display-as <FORMAT>      Format for displaying the results [default: table] [possible values:
                                 table, json]
  -v, --verbose...               More output per occurrence
  -f, --fields <FIELD>           Match only within the given fields [possible values: id, name,
                                 description, keywords]
  -q, --quiet...                 Less output per occurrence
      --include-deprecated       Display deprecated results
  -h, --help                     Print help

Example: Find a feature with circleci-cli in the id field only, and output as json.

$ tyedev search --quiet -d json -f id -c features circleci-cli | jq '.[1]'
  "collection": "Features",
  "id": "ghcr.io/codeman99/features/circleci-cli",
  "version": "1.2.0",
  "name": "CircleCI CLI",
  "description": "Install the CircleCI CLI. Also installs the CircleCI extension for vscode.",
  "keywords": null


This project avoids interop with docker or any editor. Please see the related tools list to accomplish runtime needs.

Work in Progress

This project is absolutely a work in progress. Bugs do exist. More documentation needs to be written. More tests need to be written. General design patterns need to be reviewed.


How to help!


For code contributions please use the devcontainer for this project.

There are some permissions errors that need to be sorted out for /usr/local/cargo. Upstream issues have already been filed. For now just correct this manually.

$ sudo chmod -R g+w $CARGO_HOME

Related Tools

General Devcontainers Resources