

quick-transfer Build Status

A one-time file server that displays a QR code to allow your mobile device to get the download URL.


npm install -g quick-transfer


Provide a filename as the first (non-option) argument to serve that file.

quick-transfer shopping-list.txt

Provide multiple filenames to create and serve a zip archive.

quick-transfer notes01.txt notes02.txt notes03.txt

Pipe data to stdin to serve as "stdin.txt". Note that stdin must end.

git diff | quick-transfer


-a, --address <IPv4-address>

Type: string <br>Default:

Bind the node server to listen on this IPv4 address.

-d, --display <IPv4-address>

Type: string

Provide an alternate IPv4 address to display without binding to the server. Useful when the server is behind multiple local routers, like inside VirtualBox.

-e, --extension <name>

Type: string

Override the extension, usually when piping data. For example create-pdf README.md | quick-transfer -e pdf.

-f, --filename <name>

Type: string

Override the entire filename. You may specify the basename here and the extension with either -e or -t.

-g, --glob

Type: boolean <br>Default: false

Force filename arguments to be glob expanded (instead of using the shell). For example quick-transfer -g -- '*.js'.

-h, --help

Type: boolean

Displays the usage string.

-p, --port <number>

Type: number

Use the specified port instead of a system assigned port.

-t, --type <content-type>

Type: string

Provide the content type header. When specified this will change the filename's extension accordingly. Overrides any value passed in with -e.

-v, --verbose

Type: boolean

Force additional logging. Turn this on before reporting a bug.


Type: boolean

Displays the version information.



ISC - Copyright © 2018, Cody A. Taylor