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[!IMPORTANT] Hello users!

We are thrilled to announce that Jazzer is now back under the Apache 2.0 license!

A year ago, we temporarily stopped maintaining Jazzer as open source. During this time, we received incredible feedback, support, and ideas from the community, which motivated us to find a way to bring Jazzer back to the open-source world.

Thanks to your enthusiasm and contributions, and a special callout to the OSS-Fuzz team 🚀.

Visit code-intelligence.com for more information.

The Code Intelligence team

Jazzer is a coverage-guided, in-process fuzzer for the JVM platform developed by Code Intelligence. It is based on libFuzzer and brings many of its instrumentation-powered mutation features to the JVM.

Jazzer currently supports the following platforms:

Using Jazzer via...

JUnit 5

The following steps assume that JUnit 5.9.0 or higher is set up for your project, for example based on the official junit5-samples.

  1. Add a dependency on com.code-intelligence:jazzer-junit:<latest version>. All Jazzer Maven artifacts are signed with this key.
  2. Add a new fuzz test to a new or existing test class: a method annotated with @FuzzTest and at least one parameter. Using a single parameter of type FuzzedDataProvider, which provides utility functions to produce commonly used Java values, or byte[] is recommended for optimal performance and reproducibility of findings.
  3. Assuming your test class is called com.example.MyFuzzTests, create the inputs directory src/test/resources/com/example/MyFuzzTestsInputs.
  4. Run a fuzz test with the environment variable JAZZER_FUZZ set to 1 to let the fuzzer rapidly try new sets of arguments. If the fuzzer finds arguments that make your fuzz test fail or even trigger a security issue, it will store them in the inputs directory. In this mode, only a single fuzz test is executed per test run (see #599 for details).
  5. Run the fuzz test without JAZZER_FUZZ set to execute it only on the inputs in the inputs directory. This mode, which behaves just like a traditional unit test, ensures that issues previously found by the fuzzer remain fixed and can also be used to debug the fuzz test on individual inputs.

A simple property-based fuzz test could look like this (excluding imports):

class ParserTests {
   void unitTest() {
      assertEquals("foobar", SomeScheme.decode(SomeScheme.encode("foobar")));

   void fuzzTest(FuzzedDataProvider data) {
      String input = data.consumeRemainingAsString();
      assertEquals(input, SomeScheme.decode(SomeScheme.encode(input)));

A complete Maven example project can be found in examples/junit.

GitHub releases

You can also use GitHub release archives to run a standalone Jazzer binary that starts its own JVM configured for fuzzing:

  1. Download and extract the latest release from the GitHub releases page.
  2. Add a new class to your project with a <code>public static void fuzzerTestOneInput(<a href="https://codeintelligencetesting.github.io/jazzer-docs/jazzer-api/com/code_intelligence/jazzer/api/FuzzedDataProvider.html">FuzzedDataProvider</a> data)</code> method.
  3. Compile your fuzz test with jazzer_standalone.jar on the classpath.
  4. Run the jazzer binary (jazzer.exe on Windows), specifying the classpath and fuzz test class:
./jazzer --cp=<classpath> --target_class=<fuzz test class>

If you see an error saying that libjvm.so has not been found, make sure that JAVA_HOME points to a JDK.

The examples directory includes both toy and real-world examples of fuzz tests.


Support for Jazzer is available in rules_fuzzing, the official Bazel rules for fuzzing. See the README for instructions on how to use Jazzer in a Java Bazel project.


Code Intelligence and Google have teamed up to bring support for Java, Kotlin, and other JVM-based languages to OSS-Fuzz, Google's project for large-scale fuzzing of open-source software. Read the OSS-Fuzz guide to learn how to set up a Java project.

Note: Open source projects can use Jazzer for free and benefit from the OSS-Fuzz infrastructure, including ClusterFuzzLite and OSS-Fuzz-Gen for automated analysis and continuous integration. There is no risk of accidental license violation as long as Jazzer is used for testing open-source code.

Building from source

Information on building and testing Jazzer for development can be found in CONTRIBUTING.md

Further documentation


A list of security issues and bugs found by Jazzer is maintained here. If you found something interesting and the information is public, please send a PR to add it to the list.


The following developers have contributed to Jazzer before its public release:

Sergej Dechand, Christian Hartlage, Fabian Meumertzheim, Sebastian Pöplau, Mohammed Qasem, Simon Resch, Henrik Schnor, Khaled Yakdan

The LLVM-style edge coverage instrumentation for JVM bytecode used by Jazzer relies on JaCoCo. Previously, Jazzer used AFL-style coverage instrumentation as pioneered by kelinci.

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