

Neo Cowsay

Neo Cowsay is written in Go. This cowsay is extended the original cowsay. added fun more options, and you can be used as a library.

for GitHub Actions users: Code-Hex/neo-cowsay-action

Go Reference .github/workflows/main.yml Go Report Card codecov

< I'm Neo cows >
       \   ^__^
        \  (oo)\_______
           (__)\       )\/\
               ||----w |
               ||     ||

About cowsay

According to the original original manual.

cowsay is a configurable talking cow, written in Perl. It operates
much as the figlet program does, and it written in the same spirit
of silliness.

This is also supported COWPATH env. Please read more details in #33 if you want to use this.

What makes it different from the original?

<details> <summary>Movies for new options 🐮</summary>



Rainbow and Aurora, Bold


And, Super Cows mode




As command

cow{say,think} version 2.0.0, (c) 2021 codehex
Usage: cowsay [-bdgpstwy] [-h] [-e eyes] [-f cowfile] [--random]
      [-l] [-n] [-T tongue] [-W wrapcolumn]
      [--bold] [--rainbow] [--aurora] [--super] [message]

Original Author: (c) 1999 Tony Monroe
Repository: https://github.com/Code-Hex/Neo-cowsay


$ cowsay Hello
< Hello >
       \   ^__^
        \  (oo)\_______
           (__)\       )\/\
               ||----w |
               ||     ||

Borg mode

$ cowsay -b Hello
< Hello >
       \   ^__^
        \  (==)\_______
           (__)\       )\/\
               ||----w |
               ||     ||

As library

package main

import (

	cowsay "github.com/Code-Hex/Neo-cowsay/v2"

func main() {
	say, err := cowsay.Say(
	if err != nil {

Examples or GoDoc


Windows users via Scoop

$ scoop install neo-cowsay

Windows users via Winget

$ winget install neo-cowsay

Mac and Linux users via Homebrew

$ brew update
$ brew install Code-Hex/tap/neo-cowsay


You can download from here


$ go get github.com/Code-Hex/Neo-cowsay/v2



$ go install github.com/Code-Hex/Neo-cowsay/cmd/v2/cowsay@latest


$ go install github.com/Code-Hex/Neo-cowsay/cmd/v2/cowthink@latest


<details> <summary>cowsay license</summary>
cowsay License

cowsay is distributed under the same licensing terms as Perl: the
Artistic License or the GNU General Public License.  If you don't
want to track down these licenses and read them for yourself, use
the parts that I'd prefer:

(0) I wrote it and you didn't.

(1) Give credit where credit is due if you borrow the code for some
other purpose.

(2) If you have any bugfixes or suggestions, please notify me so
that I may incorporate them.

(3) If you try to make money off of cowsay, you suck.

cowsay Legalese

(0) Copyright (c) 1999 Tony Monroe.  All rights reserved.  All
lefts may or may not be reversed at my discretion.

(1) This software package can be freely redistributed or modified
under the terms described above in the "cowsay License" section
of this file.

(2) cowsay is provided "as is," with no warranties whatsoever,
expressed or implied.  If you want some implied warranty about
merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose, you will
not find it here, because there is no such thing here.

(3) I hate legalese.

(The Artistic License or The GNU General Public License)


Neo Cowsay: codehex
Original: (c) 1999 Tony Monroe