

This package is package is no longer maintained. I stopped using Notion.so some time ago and switched to Obsidian due to persistant problems with then Notion API.

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Notion.so Markdown Importer

An importer for Markdown files to Notion.so using notion-py

It provides these features over Notion.so's Markdown importer:

Supports Python 3.6+

Usage from CLI

There are also some configuration options:

Usage from script

from notion.client import NotionClient
from notion.block import PageBlock
from md2notion.upload import upload

# Follow the instructions at https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py#quickstart to setup Notion.py
client = NotionClient(token_v2="<token_v2>")
page = client.get_block("https://www.notion.so/myorg/Test-c0d20a71c0944985ae96e661ccc99821")

with open("TestMarkdown.md", "r", encoding="utf-8") as mdFile:
    newPage = page.children.add_new(PageBlock, title="TestMarkdown Upload")
    upload(mdFile, newPage) #Appends the converted contents of TestMarkdown.md to newPage

If you need to process notion-py block descriptors after parsing from Markdown but before uploading, consider using convert and uploadBlock separately. Take a look at upload.py#upload() for more.

from md2notion.upload import convert, uploadBlock

rendered = convert(mdFile)

# Process the rendered array of `notion-py` block descriptors here
# (just dicts with some properties to pass to `notion-py`)

# Upload all the blocks
for blockDescriptor in rendered:
    uploadBlock(blockDescriptor, page, mdFile.name)

If you need to parse Markdown differently from the default, consider subclassing NotionPyRenderer (a BaseRenderer for mistletoe). You can then pass it to upload(..., notionPyRendererCls=NotionPyRenderer) as a parameter.

Example, Custom Hexo Importer

Here's an example that imports a Hexo blog (slghtly hacky).

import io
import os.path
import glob
from pathlib import Path
from notion.block import PageBlock
from notion.client import NotionClient
from md2notion.upload import upload

client = NotionClient(token_v2="<token_v2>")
page = client.get_block("https://www.notion.so/myorg/Test-c0d20a71c0944985ae96e661ccc99821")

for fp in glob.glob("../source/_posts/*.md", recursive=True):
    with open(fp, "r", encoding="utf-8") as mdFile:
        #Preprocess the Markdown frontmatter into yaml code fences
        mdStr = mdFile.read()
        mdChunks = mdStr.split("---")
        mdStr = \
`` `

        mdFile = io.StringIO(mdStr)
        mdFile.__dict__["name"] = fp #Set this so we can resolve images later

        pageName = os.path.basename(fp)[:40]
        newPage = page.children.add_new(PageBlock, title=pageName)
        print(f"Uploading {fp} to Notion.so at page {pageName}")
        #Get the image relative to the markdown file in the flavor that Hexo
        #stores its images (in a folder with the same name as the md file)
        def convertImagePath(imagePath, mdFilePath):
            return Path(mdFilePath).parent / Path(mdFilePath).stem / Path(imagePath)
        upload(mdFile, newPage, imagePathFunc=convertImagePath)
