

CoT3DRef: Chain-of-Thoughts Data-Efficient 3D Visual Grounding

This is the official implementation for our paper

"CoT3DRef: Chain-of-Thoughts Data-Efficient 3D Visual Grounding"

:satellite: Website                 :book: paper                

:loudspeaker: News

:books: Synopsis

<p align="center"> <img src="Figures/CoT_teaser_figure-1.png" width="75%"/> </p> We aims to address the question of whether an interpretable 3D visual grounding framework, capable of emulating the human perception system, can be designed as shown in the figure above. <p align="center"> <img src="Figures/CoT_arch-1.png" width="75%"/> </p>

To achieve this objective, we formulate the 3D visual grounding problem as a sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) task. As illustrated in the architecture above, the The input sequence comprises 3D objects from the scene and an utterance describing a specific object. In contrast to existing architectures, our model predicts both the target object and a chain of anchors on the output side.

Installation and Data Preparation

Please refer the installation and data preparation from referit3d.

We adopt bert-base-uncased from huggingface, which can be installed using pip as follows:

pip install transformers

you can download the pretrained weight in this page, and put them into a folder, noted as PATH_OF_BERT.


python /CoT3D_VG/refering_codes/MVT-3DVG/train_referit3d.py \
   -scannet-file $PATH_OF_SCANNET_FILE$\
    -referit3D-file $PATH_OF_REFERIT3D_FILE$ \
    --bert-pretrain-path $PATH_OF_BERT$ \
    --log-dir logs/COT3DRef_sr3d \
    --n-workers 16 \
    --model 'referIt3DNet_transformer' \
    --unit-sphere-norm True \
    --batch-size 24 \
    --encoder-layer-num 3 \
    --decoder-layer-num 4 \
    --decoder-nhead-num 8 \
    --gpu "0" \
    --view_number 4 \
    --rotate_number 4 \
    --label-lang-sup True \
    --anchors "cot" \
    --max-test-objects 52 \
    --cot_type "cross" \
    --predict_lang_anchors True \
    --lang_filter_objs False \
    --visaug_shuffle_mode 'none' \
    --visaug_extracted_obj_path '$PATH_OF_SR3D_DATA' \
    --visaug_pc_augment True \
    --train_data_percent 1.0
    --shuffle_objects_percentage 0 \
    --visaug_pc_augment False \
    --train_data_percent 1.0 \
    --max_num_anchors 7 \
    --dropout-rate 0.15 \
    --textaug_paraphrase_percentage 0 \
    --target_aug_percentage 0 \
    --gaussian_latent False \
    --distractor_aux_loss_flag True \
    --train_data_repeatation 1 \
    --augment-with-sr3d '$PATH_OF_SR3D_DATA' 
    --visaug_extracted_obj_path '$PATH_OF_NR3D_DATA' \
python /CoT3D_VG/refering_codes/MVT-3DVG/train_referit3d.py \
   -scannet-file $PATH_OF_SCANNET_FILE$\
    -referit3D-file $PATH_OF_REFERIT3D_FILE$ \
    --bert-pretrain-path $PATH_OF_BERT$ \
    --log-dir logs/MVT_nr3d \
    --n-workers 16 \
    --model 'referIt3DNet_transformer' \
    --unit-sphere-norm True \
    --batch-size 64 \
    --encoder-layer-num 3 \
    --decoder-layer-num 4 \
    --decoder-nhead-num 8 \
    --gpu "0" \
    --view_number 4 \
    --rotate_number 4 \
    --label-lang-sup True \
    --anchors "cot" \
    --max-test-objects 52 \
    --cot_type "cross" \
    --predict_lang_anchors True \
    --lang_filter_objs False \
    --visaug_shuffle_mode 'none' \
    --shuffle_objects_percentage 0 \
    --visaug_extracted_obj_path '$PATH_OF_NR3D_DATA' \
    --visaug_pc_augment False \
    --train_data_percent 1.0 \
    --max_num_anchors 7 \
    --dropout-rate 0.15 \
    --textaug_paraphrase_percentage 0 \
    --target_aug_percentage 0 \
    --gaussian_latent False \
    --distractor_aux_loss_flag True \
    --train_data_repeatation 1 \
    --augment-with-sr3d '$PATH_OF_SR3D_DATA' 



    python referit3d/scripts/train_referit3d.py \
    --mode evaluate \
    -scannet-file $PATH_OF_SCANNET_FILE$ \
    -referit3D-file $PATH_OF_REFERIT3D_FILE$ \
    --bert-pretrain-path $PATH_OF_BERT$ \
    --log-dir logs/MVT_nr3d \
    --resume-path $the_path_to_the_model.pth$ \
    --n-workers 8 \
    --model 'referIt3DNet_transformer' \
    --unit-sphere-norm True \
    --batch-size 24 \
    --encoder-layer-num 3 \
    --decoder-layer-num 4 \
    --decoder-nhead-num 8 \
    --gpu "0" \
    --view_number 4 \
    --rotate_number 4 \
    --label-lang-sup True
    --augment-with-sr3d sr3d_dataset_file.csv

:bouquet: Credits

The project is built based on the following repository:

:telephone: Contact us

:mailbox_with_mail: Citation
