

Jet Template Engine for Go

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Jet is a template engine developed to be easy to use, powerful, dynamic, yet secure and very fast.


Version 6 brings major improvements to the Go API. Make sure to read through the breaking changes before making the jump.


Example application

An example to-do application is available in examples/todos. Clone the repository, then (in the repository root) do:

  $ cd examples/todos; go run main.go

IntelliJ Plugin

If you use IntelliJ there is a plugin available at https://github.com/jhsx/GoJetPlugin. There is also a very good Go plugin for IntelliJ – see https://github.com/go-lang-plugin-org/go-lang-idea-plugin. GoJetPlugin + Go-lang-idea-plugin = happiness!


All contributions are welcome – if you find a bug please report it.
